Monday, January 22, 2007

What Type Of Stem Does A Rose Plant Have


Michele Doucet, Bernadette Le Masne, Yann Leleuxhe (Chargé de Mission Green Spaces, Fabienne LELEUX representative, Deputy Mayor of the 10th ") Gilles Roux, Emmanuel Larger.

· Charter gardener and Authorization to occupy Public
· Miscellaneous

1. Charter Planters and occupation permit

In decreasing priority, the proposed approach is:

· request that the Charter is simply not associated with an authorization of Highways. Taking as an argument that the "Charter of planting trees by the feet of associations" is not bound to a particular road authority.
This would be associated with the proposal to add then to the Charter:
- an article on the responsibilities of the Association (mentioning only those included in the various existing charters: feet trees and shared gardens). Ie, a liability insurance included in the association.
- an article on the obligation of the association to comply with the requirements of a technical study conducted by the Services DPJEV and / or Highways. Study that would specify the size, size and weight, or planters, supported by the floor. • For

based on existing text and voted, "Road Rules" current (text of 14 articles council voted in Paris in 1999) to add planters among objects or arrangements of which it is possible to ask installation on the highway. Actions: get the text of FA terraces by traders (Bernadette Le Masne asks Robert copy of the staircase he signed, Gilles Roux demand model to Michel Ottaway elected to trade).
· Change the "Charter planters" by completing the drafting of comments Leleuxhe Yann and Gilles Roux (action Bernadette Le Masne). The charter signed with each candidate would leave Association.
· Stand last resort (which frankly would not want to have to apply): Modify the Authorization for use of public facilities by removing Article 4 and widely amend Article 7 in particular. Action: None at the moment, except possible contact with lawyers (see below). The ideal would be satisfied with the Charter (to have a single text to apply the model of the Charter of the feet flowering tree) and drop the text "public domain occupancy (too restrictive and difficult to amended), which would be presented, together with the necessary amendments in cases where the firm Yves Contassot oppose the use of the Charter as the sole reference text. If necessary, consult a lawyer (possible contact by Emmanuel Roux Larger or Gilles?) Check

insurability by an insurance agent and asked his insurance conditions in the light of the Charter and the employment authorization (action Michèle Doucet).

Yann supports our approach. He offers to come join us at a meeting in the evening. We could ask him to be present on February 13 and prepare texts by then. Yann Info: The City has not gone to the flower market it wants to impose. The association is to manage to get them.
Other Information: no association has so far signed the Charter.

Regarding Investments localized we thought they could afford to finance planters for 2008, Yann said that the planters are not covered by these investments, but advises to check with Philippe Broucque (action Bernadette Le Masne). According to Yann, planters funding could be obtained from the District Council (budget investment).

2. Various

2.1. Guerilla gardening

It does not seem to be much activity of the guerrillas in Paris.
Shares (Emmanuel Larger):
· Propose the establishment of a Paris Xe
specific group facilitators · Propose media reports about the gardener.

2.2. Cotton
Get Neighborhood Council funding for pots (action Gilles Roux).
Note: do not have much soil. Gilles
finalizes specification (passed Jan. 10 07).

2.3. Next meeting

Tuesday, February 13 at the town hall to 18.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lymph Node Gets Worse As Day Goes On

Record Group Meeting November 28, 2006 Greening

District Council Porte Saint Denis - Paradise Group / GREENING
Minutes of the meeting of November 28, 2006 Local democracy

Room, Town Hall of the 10th
List Present:

Gilles BAYART,
Michèle Doucet, Emmanuel
Gilles ROUX

... / ...

"In anticipation of our next meeting to be held on Tuesday November 28 at 19h at the town hall, I remind you the main conclusions of our last two meetings to advance our projects:
- Project cotton sheet to create (Gilles Roux), contacts with the Kurdish cultural center and other organizations (Bernadette and Emmanuel)
- Planters: Planter moving the Exchequer (Gilles Bayart related to Robert and Daniel Zonzon) contact with the inhabitants of the farmyard St-Lazare (Gilles Bayart)
- Privacy greening and flowering balconies contest: make contact with Fabienne Leleux (Gilles Roux). "
- New measures: investments located.
1) Planters: Planter moving the Exchequer

Decision was taken from Sept. 19 to move the planter 21 Exchequer above 105 rue du Fg Saint-Denis in the extension of the terrace of the "staircase" To this end, a team was formed around Gilles BAYART with Martin and Michelle ... Zonzon Daniel & Robert were contacted about this, for arranging transportation, replanting and future maintenance. Interest as Fatima and Didier (neighbors on the ground floor)?
Martyrdom "street of the Exchequer (victim of neglect, theft or various depredations), previously installed the planter to 21 bis, rue of the Exchequer will be moved Saturday, December 16 (originally planned to Saturday 09 / 12/06) and rested at 105, rue du Faubourg Saint Denis (Paris X) next to the terrace of the staircase.
a) What to do at 21a, Exchequer? (Gilles Bayart).
Despite a real involvement but too late, neighbors (watering, replanting, ...), the gardener is always destroyed there. Ð
Abandoned for now ... The move
Consensus on the desperate state of the gardener placed in removal alignment of 21 bis rue of the Exchequer, "always destroyed" (G. Bayart).
must be noted the total lack of involvement and participation of the immediate neighbors most affected (21 bis and France Telecom). The location is a corner, abandoned road, always dirty and used as a dump and wild urinal or more. It is a true "black dot "Neighborhood, it deserves and requires a redefinition of priority.

The choice of placing the flower in the corner, just at the start of a request from residents, the condo had shown interest at first, but abandoned despite many attempts to recall.
It welcomes the takeover attempt, but
Faced with poor attendance and occupancy of the two corners of the withdrawal of alignment, we need to work on a real development project for this plot.
really need to involve the neighbors, France Telecom, and the Town Hall and Services (Cleaning, ...). Need for a concerted effort with other committees of QCD: Urban Planning, Environment, ...
Gilles BAYART offers a great set of plantations and planted wall on any withdrawal. We must integrate the two-corner angles, to avoid any incentive to place deposit of waste, and remove the "toilet" savages.
two options: integrate existing street trees, but then the width of sidewalk would be too small, or project "U", to follow the 3 walls and leave a sidewalk with trees outside. Proposal: Construct a sort of Veranda - Pergola, + or - open, wooden or stainless steel railing.
Embed on sidewalk benches, and also a toilet public.
b) Action Programme for the 107 Fbg St Denis (Gilles Bayart).
A long technical discussion on transport of several hundred kg of earth and container. ...
solutions Gilles Bayart needed: buckets, garbage cans and skateboards ...
Installing this planter must be the first step in a real ownership by the inhabitants of this garden provisional work with the City to make more flower boxes, even the nozzles, and install a composting station nearby. => Requires a real set of garbage sorting and recycling ... Ask the City to install 2 twin bins (yellow / green) next to the compost bins to prevent them from becoming self-same "garbage". The team around
Gilles Bayart (Zonzon Daniel, Robert, Martin, Michele) takes care of maintenance of the garden at its new location.
c) Second Operation "Greening" Planter Farmyard Saint-Lazare.
Two residents had come to the September meeting, and seem interested in maintaining the plants at this location, next door elles.Vu the width of the street, the space is not sufficient in this place and it seems more appropriate to propose planting in the ground, which take up less space than planters? to resume contact with these people.
2) Operation "Cotton"

See Oct. 24: Question: cotton can easily grow in our climate of Paris, slightly warm and not very bright? When should the plant for a good result and visibility of the plants on the balconies?

is a plant of warm climates, so distribute / disseminate the plants in spring. It would sow the seeds in pots in March and transplanted in May, and to distribute it seeds in January or February. Be distributed in the street with a promotion campaign for the Climate Action Plan in late April and 1 May, small seed cotton.
Provide planting in late March, in small cups or yoghurt pots, about a month? before heyday. The main actors are
schools, cultural centers and social associations.Les participating schools and associations can make planting themselves mm. They will provide the pots and potting soil semis.Leur distribute seeds in late February or early mars.Elles distribute seedlings to parents, etc ... A second possible distribution
's Day balconies ... If it is moved in the spring, in May or June.
Point on schools to cover (recall):
- maternal and Paradis Lancry Emmanuel
- School Martel Gilles Bayart
- School fbg St-Denis: Bernadette
- Récollets: Gilles Roux

the Kurdish Cultural Centre 16 rue d'Enghien: This contact will be continued by Bernadette and Emmanuel as regards the proposed "all cotton" and its realization with the center's users.

Bernadette got Noëlle Perrier (Intercultural Committee), addresses of associations. She had a first contact with the Universal Space Association (Mrs. Zahid, intercultural mediator) and must meet the bientôt.Emmanuel has contacted the Chinese Cultural Centre of rue René Boulanger.
awareness by then schools ... Everyone contacted hers ... Making a paper in ten and a half (see Alban).
Bernadette and Emmanuel continue contacts with community groups; Bernadette joined the Social Center of Bet's suburbs, which seemed interested, and keeps us informed. GREENING
group must make seedlings to distribute ourselves. Provide qqs 300 pots and potting soil. Ask the garden? For the soil for sowing, pots and pans and if appropriate, seek funding from the QCD. Gilles Roux
must finalize the details technical "Cotton" for the participants: planting calendar, advice and maintenance of plantations.
3) Planters: Charter Investments and localized

charter revegetation of public space has been provided by Yann LELEUXHE.Discuter with Fabienne and her ... The Charter should be amended to become "reasonable." Organize workshops to make the charter more close to the spirit "open" of the Charter Main Verte, and allow a real management of plantations by the locals, without being under threat from excessive responsibilities (accidents, basements Networks, disorders buildings!)
Another question: this would be accompanied by a Charter Road Rules, much more demanding, even leonine. Read the book. It will be more difficult to amend. ...
The action group's Greening to revegetate the area and install planters to be incorporated into a program of the Neighborhood Plan for the Climate, the imperatives of planting and creating biodiversity in the City.
Install these planters as part of investment in localized areas. In view of these actions suggest that investment requests for 2008 must be localized presented in February 2007. Follow closely.
The next meeting of Greening is set to January 05, 2007 at 19h at the town hall, in room of local democracy.