Monday, March 12, 2007

Arbor Longboard Canada

Meeting Minutes February 13, 2007

Participants: Bernadette Le Masne, Gilles Roux, Emmanuel Larger.


Charter Cotton planter and occupation permit public domain
Guerrilla Gardening

1. Cotton

The idea of distributing plants has been abandoned: there is a lack of means to transport the nursery and plants. We will limit our ambitions to the distribution of seeds: Saturday March 10 and 17 were selected (out meeting the right place could be the corner of rue Fbg St Denis and rue of the Exchequer).

Risk is the futility against the most serious challenges Quarter, but we can highlight the objectives:

- Strengthening the links between population, development of trade in proposing a common goal in the district; => increase communication and understanding between people.
- Suggest a plantation area familiar to migrants (Turkish, Chinese, Indian), strengthen the dialogue between communities.
- Beautifying and greening the neighborhood.
- Illustrating global warming; "check" locally some profound changes.
- Launching a common challenge: to flourish and grow and mature a plant not at ease in here => Xe transform the plant laboratory.
- Move campaign (election) in the countryside and vice versa.

That said, he would ask permission to "manifest" ... if we want to prevent the distribution turns into a sprint.

seeds were transferred to the Ecole de la rue de Marseille (since the meeting and that of Thibeau). Schools Paradise and Lancry have expressed their enthusiasm. The school Faubourg St-Denis is involved, and the Universal Space Association. Paris suburbs to raise (Bernadette)

Gilles Roux shortens the Cotton Sheet for distribution, he will have it printed at the Town Hall in double-sided page (2 pages per page for the sheet to fit on one sheet).

2. Charter

lawyer Recommendation: Greening should give an opinion, but not to engage in writing and advice: to re-write the authors (by contacting our remarks) that should be read by the legal services of the City and ... consult the technical services involved discussed. Otherwise it has no chance to take an action against (which is particularly likely to have the effect the cancellation of the authorization). Some comments yet


In general, mixing the general and the particular: for example, if a charter should be signed for each association, it is useless to speak of Associations (Plural).

Why book an association? Legally tenable ground for what individuals would be excluded?

Distinguishing what is the general provisions and specific provisions by writing 4 part
- Reason
- General Charter
- Text applicable in respect of any combination (standard contract signed by a particular association and reference?)
- Instruction to various departments to implement

Reminder of the previous meeting: in decreasing priority, the proposed approach was to:

· In the settlement of existing road to add planters among objects or arrangements of which it is possible to request the installation on the highway (Action: Bernadette Le Masne retrieves the text of the regulations permit the installation of terraces) . Who's the steps to change the existing road rules?
· Change the "Charter planters" by completing the drafting of comments Leleuxhe Yann and Gilles Roux (action Bernadette Le Masne). The charter signed with each candidate would leave Association.
· Edit the Authorization for use of public removing Chapter 4 and Chapter 7 include redoing. Who does that?

Insurability has been verified by Michele Doucet with an Insurance Agent (see email of 12 February).

Propose Charter as the theme for Spring Round Table for Democracy (action Gilles Roux).

3. Guerrilla [1] Gardening
A local branch has been created and includes a card-carrying member (who did not ask). Subscribe ( We alert the international press (who contacted us) at a subsequent action. The press was asked to attend the meeting of 13 February apologized.

Note: the principle seems to consist primarily seize fallow for develop ... why not? Except that there are not that much in the neighborhood.
[1] Yes, 2 "r" in English ...