Saturday, May 12, 2007

Thickness Of Laminated Drivers Licenses

Greening Group meeting April 24

Minutes of the meeting of April 24, 2007 Greening

Michèle Doucet, Emmanuel Larger Gilles Bayart, Gilles Roux, Yann Leleuxhe, Bernadette Le Masne. Mireille
Bonneaud, Council Member District Water Tower-Lancry and interested in our work on the Charter, came to join us.

Charter revegetation
Following the sending of our work on the Charter, Yann proposes a meeting May 14 with Evelyne Lemercier's office Yves Contassot, attended services of Legal Affairs, the DPJEV (Parks and Gardens), the SBD (Clean) and DVD (Highways).
This meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall the X in Room A. Gilles Roux and Bernadette will be present for the group Greening.
This meeting will allow us to present our arguments to face difficulties in implementing the Charter in its current state and for the return of the relevant services City. Operation Cotton

May 1
We set the exact location: Metz-angle Faubourg Saint-Denis, at 11 hours.
We expect transport of seed cotton from the garden and shared our various homes and the installation of a table. Gilles
Bayart who can not attend a reminder that Saturday, April 28 the Flying Corps, young actors associated with the Jacques Lecoq school, will hold events in the street before intervening in the evening at the theater in glass. It would be nice to contact them because they can participate in the bustling neighborhood. Will they be present in the streets on May 1?

Wish to purchase planters mobile
The vow adopted in Plenary Council district on April 5, which provides funding for the purchase of mobile planters on the investment budget of QC, will be forwarded to the City Council after approval by the animation team at its meeting April 25. Bernadette will do it.
The locations of planters should be specified. During the plenary a resident of the Rue d'Enghien was interested. We could get in touch with people in the streets of the Exchequer and make new contacts in our distribution of cotton plants on May 1.

Alongside the items on the agenda two other subjects were discussed.

The development of the plot and Garden Saint Lazare Satragne Alban. We are talking about creating a working group coordinated by Martine Lavielle and choice of cabinet Landfabrik by the municipality. SEMAVIP continues to fly and it is always difficult to obtain information on the progress of work by Sylvia Scherer.

Bonneaud Mireille tells of the difficulties encountered to flower foot tree in his portion of the street of Vinegar. People's property, does not seem concerned and she feels isolated for such action. We offer him our time assistance if necessary. Bernadette sends the texts of several charters that can be transmitted to people from the District Council Water Tower-Lancry, which we could associate ourselves in the future to extend our work on the Charter of vegetation and pool efforts.

The date of the next meeting has not yet stopped. For the moment we are awaiting confirmation of the holding of the meeting of May 14 Continued operation


The minutes of meeting having been drafted late this delay allows us to speak of the distribution of cotton in the streets on May 1.

Planting benefited from the mild air in late April, which allowed our seeds to germinate under favorable conditions and produce plants "appetizing" and making unfair competition thrush which had flourished too early to the same reasons.
In addition, we had the advantage of giving, not selling, our production plant. It has not failed to amaze passersby or make them suspicious: free is it possible for these days? They had to convince them to come forward and verify could carry off without touching their purse.
contacts were excellent in bright sunshine. Photos made by Emmanuel testify. To see the blog on Greening. We noted the details of people interested in the activities of the District Council and some by the maintenance of planters.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What Color Pants Go With A Purple Shirt

Distribution of Cotton

On 1 May, we distributed seeds and seedlings Cotton rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, thanks to the generosity of CIRAD which supplied the seeds.