Thursday, October 4, 2007

Kidde Ionization Keeps Beeping

Greening of September 24, 2007

Greening Meeting Minutes September 24, 2007

Present: Gilles Roux Bernadette Le Masne, Gilles Bayart, Michelle Doucet, Sophie Benzaïm, Yann Le Leuxhe, Emmanuel Larger

The planters and the Charter of vegetation

The Directions to City Hall - Department of Parks and Green Spaces Gardens, Directorate of Legal Affairs and Clean - have agreed on the new text of AOT (Authorisation of Temporary Occupation). It remains to obtain validation of the Directorate of Highways (DVD). The period should not be long. There will still be some changes to make the charter to bring it into line with the text of the AOT. Yann we propose to work together by exchanging messages.

The list provided settlements will be annexed to the Charter. These settlements have already been validated a priori by the Clean and Highways. It will make it an inauguration with signing of the Charter.

Reminder: you will need a transit authority for each location. Now each implantation site recommended by the association carries the project must be inspected by Directorates of Highways and Waste before being finally approved by the signing of an AOT. For these two locations we have several possibilities.

Two people contacted the first one may have confirmed their interest: among them Sophie who is present at the meeting. Would be installed this planter at the corner of the Rue d'Hauteville and the street of small teams (remeasure the locations and stakes).

Another person living 27 rue du Faubourg St Denis seems very motivated but does not know anyone interested in his building. See if the scoop at the corner of the chessboard would volunteer to participate?

Michelle has two locations near her home: 5 / 7 rue de Paradis and 7a / 9 rue de Paradis. Should measure the space to find the size of the planters to place. She keeps us informed.

If we can not determine both locations "safe" in a very short time, the gardener of the staircase could be part of the first two, this that would make it official. Otherwise it will pass later, the City Council asking us to limit ourselves to two locations for the start.

The proposed planter street loyalty is complicated because of the vent must not be obstructed: this could create a "wedge piss" (as the established formula). Veronica think the grid is not a problem. She is willing to contact the trustee to make sure.

For each new gardener walking to follow will be:

  • Application (form mail or email) to the Town Hall Gardens and PLU's by indicating the place or places

  • pre-visit by Highways (DVD)

  • Signature of AOT

  • Implementation of the gardener

Purchase of planters: a global market will be awarded by the City for planters, land, trellises and plants. The city retained ownership.

Storage planters and earth: Ephemeral item proposed by the ECD is a bit too far. Emmanuel said they could store in its stalemate in auditing. Michelle will also check if we can store in their backyard. Gilles B will ask if you can store in the Paradise school. We will buy the plants as and when.

is PLU's Garden and will sign the Charter and AOT. We ask the maintainers of each gardener to join (in discount?).

Request Investment located

A budget of 111 k € - 11k € Feasibility Study (= verification of networks) and € 100k for the achievement-was asked (voted? ) for a development rue de Metz: a clump in the ground "type street Treasury. Schematic of intent to do so by Gilles B gives the idea of a pergola along the school wall. This is all the more feasible it is a wall "public" (see action plan). Consultation with dealers network is already launched. For 2008 we would have so much more than what we expected. There would be the design and construction itself of the development.

Information planted wall of the Court of Small-Stables

watering does not work anymore, a change of service for maintenance is in progress to memory the project to be done in six months took 3 years and the result is not consistent with the plan: a corner is particularly favorable to the relief of the bladder: the principal (Dir esp green) which should have declined the recipe.

Action Plan

Mail application implementation of the first two planters


scheme intends to Paradise street Metz

Gilles B

Drawings locations 5-7 and 7a-9 Paradise Street to be sent to Bernadette


Remeasure angle rue d'Hauteville - Small Stables


Clean the planter of the Staircase


Commando to prune the vine to the mound Bergeyre

Gilles B and Emmanuel

Validate storage planters and earth

Emmanuel, Michelle, Gilles B

Finalize the draft document A5 with pictures to send to people by Bernadette


The next meeting will be held October 29 to 19 hours in City Hall.