Friday, December 11, 2009

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The horrible month of November 2009 October 2009


This month of November started off well because we were gone a few days in Paris, mainly to get acquainted with two great-grandchildren of Grandma Andree ( So, mother of Luke), that Faustina said in Pougheon-Mazloum (Rouen) and the youngest, in Felix-Mazloum Poiteau (from Chevry2).

We caused the knowledge of the gracious Queen Faustina in Bourg (Sandra bringing it to his native Normandy for this great opportunity) and Felix beautiful home the next day at Gif sur Yvette.

For this grand occasion, we must say that while the ban and arriere ban of the "family" Mazloum-Pougheon had converged on the corner of the valley of Chevreuse (like the "mamma", though we no longer know who is the son cursed).

to chat (among girls, boys, ....), to stuff yourself for a drink and good Savoyard meal, and for some, to smoke on the terrace of the garden (under a proper time ).

The next day Sunday, forcing Darwin year, we all met at the Jardin des Plantes "in the Great Gallery of Evolution so that" all these young "know well where they came from . Superb show where everyone finds his interest (the skeleton of the whale breathtaking at very specific explanations on the evolution of life).
Monday was also a great day since by a very great chance, "Moroccan" (Corine and Yahia) and "Belgian" (Helena, Zwick and Gilles) were in the Paris region, which allowed us to get all of us on Monday afternoon at the new house of Isabella.

return in the Cevennes was far less glorious. First, Luc (carrying less and less "hot and cold" in Paris) came back with a sore throat that turned into a beautiful bronchitis (To be absorbed, it requires 2 sets of 7 days' antibiotics horse). In the end bronchitis, Blaise said symptoms that strongly resembled the influenza A (he stayed three days in bed without moving) and wolves school 8 days. Then came the turn of Jeanne, who was probably the same thing (and harder but shorter).

Finally, on 26 at night, the terrible news arrived by phone: John (father of Claude), who was recovering well after surgery in mid-August, had just died after a very hard stroke.
The next day, ie on 27, it was expected that John and Tate come to Canton to celebrate 14 years of Jeanne.
This anniversary was obviously very upset, but Jeanne celebrated with his friends Saturday night and Sunday we went to Ales first Chinese restaurant and then to the cinema to see 2012 (perfect as intellectual level).

NB: 27, it happened I do not know what in my computer but the motherboard made unreadable by roasting the whole hard drive (very nice when the last backup date of 3 weeks and you do not know not save any Outlook contact list). The new machine arrived yesterday and I managed to get internet today (which explains the delay).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

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How To Create A Chili Pepper Costume

: the "news"

----- October 2009 This appears, in retrospect, quite mixed. In terms of occupation, we seem not to be arrested and by opening the file photos of October is almost the desert, which poses a slight problem to complement the prose of this post.

In fact, we spent some time, not to say a certain time with our architect and some of its subcontractors, to validate the work that we will launch normally (if building permits are granted) in early 2010. This work
result of reflection "short term" (we want a strong decrease in formula cottages - tables and breakfast in creating the concept of the "big house") and "medium term" (what the Township in September 2012 ?).
In creating the "big house" (ie, praising the part "live" on the ground floor of the Township "), it generates a need for us to live elsewhere when the" big house "is rented, it will be in addition to our usual rooms in what was called" Cantou " but we would feel cramped in the dining room, so we open it through a glass door to a large terrace facing south, the roof will be covered with photovoltaic panels (de March 2010, the Township will economically balanced in terms of "electricity"). So, the photo-cons will not be possible because behind the first mulberry you walk under the deck with a roof that will come in small windows on the first floor.
For the "medium term", we will renovate dilapidated buildings that are above the Clède, but we'll have time to discuss it because it is a project planned on 2 or 3 years.

From a sports (table tennis competition), the results are mixed since our first 2 games in D3 (County 3 for 3rd level) have resulted in two defeats, but they are the 2 Mazloum who made all points (Blaise win every game without exception, and Luke, winning a few).

On the home front, we proudly celebrated the 18 years (and So the majority) by Jean-Marc, and this family reunion was very pleased to John who is recovering slowly (with ups and downs) of its operation.

On the "tourist", we have "full board" with a good holiday lodges and rooms booked every weekend.
After the desert in September, the month of October in the Cevennes is always looking for beautiful colors, picking up chestnuts and mushrooms (although this year it only came out the parasol).

Finally, the month of October is a month "needy" for the garden because it must pick up almost all the remaining vegetables and fruits (except leeks), disassemble and store irrigation pipes, ....

Happy reading ... until next month.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where Is The Shiny Stone In Soul Silver

Another point of view

below an artistic interpretation

you can find the creations at the following address:

key symbols seem to be well represented ...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

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And the month of September in the wake

few photos for the month of September, because it was very laborious (especially Luke, see below) a share in the fields (with the pick-braiding and hooking our onions, unearthing and grading potatoes picking figs and manufacture of our famous jam ...), and secondly with our visitors.
In this regard, the month of September was disastrous (more one tourist in the streets of St John) and for us .... it was even comical. Off the first weekend of September when the rally protesting Mialet fills us with 4 rooms for one night, we had in all and for all that two couples, but everyone for two weeks (one of the first half and other in the second half) with host table every evening (except our two days of closing). So we made tables and breakfast 5 times per week in September and every time ... for 2 people.
Fortunately, these two couples were super nice and super exciting (one on bees, and the other on as they are from Montreal Quebec), and we surcharges often go to bed very late because we had not stopped to chat.
Okay, financially, it's pretty devastating and October does not look better. So the "big house" was decided in 2010 and work has been commissioned to create the large terrace Cantou (with the entire surface of the photovoltaic roof. Basically, we will produce as much electricity we consume. there is not green it !!!!).

So taf, there were .... well, it's that month that Claude has taken a week off (okay, well deserved) in the Canary Islands with her step-sister (So, my sister) and a girlfriend.
the left is one of the pools of his residence (sure, it's not worth the Canton), right, are the two beautiful sisters during the rise of a gizmo- trick.

Good, meanwhile, Luke "rowed" and it is not the nymph who was advancing schmilblic. It must be said that this September was amazing (not a drop of rain and 31-32 ° C in the afternoon. Our tourists, Bretons and Canada, have had trouble getting used to the near-heatwave has begun to foster zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes).

Moreover, after a month of hosto, John recovering well from his operation and, after celebrating the anniversary of dignity for 78 years Tate, David's grandfather was quite happy to go see the sea (where the children are bathed in recess).

Friday, October 2, 2009

Big Boobs On Venice Beach

August 2009 (one month forgotten)

Incredible, the blog of August was not written in early September, and we realize in trying to write the blog in September! Should we have been disrupted in this period.

What about this August? well, actually, not much.

Obviously, earlier this month, we down to the ritual votive festival of St Jean du Gard where Blaise with his buddy Hugo imperturbably occupies a shooting range and alignment, board on board, to win a pistol ball. Meanwhile, her sister discovered the joys of bumper cars with her girlfriends. That evening, the celebration was tempered somewhat by a beautiful storm.

Current August, Jean (Claude's father) had to be hospitalized for surgery rather quickly. This has generated quite a number of round trip Township - Montpellier.

For tourists, if we do not have to complaining about their stay in terms of attendance, however, it is clear that the crisis was to restraindre on "unnecessary", which for us resulted in a collapse in the number of host tables (less than 50% 2008!).
tables cottages, 2 or 3 guests throughout the month, we really did realize that our "formula" was outdated or at least inadequate for current demand, and forced us to consider for 2010 .

Anaïs and Vincent (2 children of friends) came to spend their usual week in Canton.
This super well with Blaise and Jeanne (Great poker night ...), and as usual there was a morning after "tree climbing".

Finally, the weekend long awaited end of high season and next school year arrived.
We had booked 2 bungalows, side by side, at Center Park Bruyères in Sologne and had invited Gifois Pougheon and "Newlyweds". The three days were wonderful and everyone was very amiusé (bowling, table tennis tournament, and of course, the enchanted river.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Playing Post Correnation

The News July 2009 News

One month "high season" of the past. We do not complain about the rate of filling (even better than 2008), but a bit rate reservation table d'hote (-30% compared to last year) and prepare for 2, 4 or 6, it is the same as for 10 or 12, so much work, but a lower turnover.

Overall then, we stayed a "head to the grindstone" the whole month, and year after year, pushing on the pedals is becoming harder with a yield of increasingly weak.

We have not had time to take pictures, but "gifois" came one week and Yann had just purchased a must SLR digital camera, which allowed you to see this magnificent butterfly-hummingbird prepare to suck the nectar from a flower of lavender.

It also happened after a good table d'hote, to go make a "plop" in the pool, and I must say that when the moon has an appointment with the Township, evenings are soft in the Cevennes.

Finally, without a table d'hote on Wednesday evening, we went to picnic at Gardon (water should be 28) with Louise and Victor trying to catch fish in the bucket, Jeanne and Blaise who made splash in the gourgue and "artisans" who lounged like sea lions.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hairstyles For Pomeranians

beautiful month of June 2009

As much tell you right away, this summary (and the photos on display) does not at all the truth about the hard work we have provided, Claude and me, ensure that the domain of the Township is ready to receive tourists cohorts of July and August.

This is not our fault if, as we slaved in the fields, we do not have time "we get the picture" and we n'emportons the camera that, at the many events Festive "that punctuate this terrible month of June.

For, in June 2009 was horrible on this aspect.

There was the inevitable first night of the Dance Association of Joan (very nice evening that 3H eat us where we could weed the leeks), but these girls are beautiful ( the mountain, too).

Then there was the Mother's Day trying to board the Big Blue with the essential swimming and greasy mussels and fries at the restaurant. In addition, there were only women to have gifts

One Sunday, we have invited some friends with their smala children (one boy and three girls) and lose a day's work carousing to make a game of bowls, is Baquer in the pool and finish with a tournament of ping-pong (8 hours of lost he would have been better weeding onions).

Fortunately, we were able to accumulate Father's Day with the anniversary of 12 years of Blaise (it's still a few hours to win that helped the sweet butter). Okay, there were only men to have gifts (but they were smaller than those of women)

By cons, we missed our favorite soap opera, as being in the office of EPA, it would have been talking if we had not been the "party school". That is, except that the "masters" who have a priori been IUFM decided this would be children who would make the dinner, well, there was too much pepper on skewers, turkey and eggs mimosa were not perfectly smooth.

The icing on the cake if I can say is that we eat a Blaise Saturday afternoon extra celebrating his 12th birthday again with his buddies.

We had to wear protective helmets while hearing this horde hoarse pre-teens in the pool (and this instead of having to start their holiday, because we would like Blaise improves his academic average and he tends more towards the 18 than to its current meager 17).

We wish you a nice holiday and merry revelry.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Olive Oil Tick Removal

The merry month of May in Canton

The month of May was mostly a race against time to rehabilitate any the garden because we and much of late (among other things because of "cramming" for Claude IUFM. Note: The Right Honourable average of 11 written was not enough to pass the oral) .

Of all the spots, the repi q uage of "raïolette" remains a highlight (this year, the number chosen was of 1 800 plants) and Claude transplanting in less time it took Luke to prepare the ground.

Dice mid-May, the Township was ready (grass clippings, flower pots, ..) to welcome tourists.
They are also flocked probably because of the many "bridges" of this month, but probably by an effect induced the "crisis". In short, tourism, this was our best month of May since we opened 13 years ago.

That did not stop to celebrate 84 years of John , and the following Sunday to take our place at the feast of the EPA (Luke bar, Claude in the sercice Blaise restaurant replacing its sometimes stand attic).

meantime, we'd move on a Wednesday for a reception in Nimes (Reeve, mayor of Nimes, President of the General Council, ..) where the winners of the "child prisoners" were celebrated (we are very proud that Joan is the first in category "college" and in September we will know his national ranking). We left with a mountain of books and a 4 day trip in Alsace early July.

The month of May can also take diners on the terrace and test new recipes (here, using a torch to serve as a " Creme Brulee "worthy of the best restaurants,
and go picnicking beside a roach to find the pleasures of "jumps" (herein the "gourgue blue" on the roach Mial).

Finally, Helen and Jerome during the weekend of Pentecost, we have the great pleasure to come and celebrate their 10 years of marriage on place "historic" (June 2, 1999 on "bancel hens") with 2 couples.
These 3 days were a great success (time, mind ..) and Sunday evening we had the right to double surprise to see Helena get off first with her wedding dress (which suits him perfectly still), and then see Jeanne who, having slipped into the dress of his "big sister", strictemement take the same position (which had been carrying Helene Jeanne in her arms 10 years ago), but wearing a daughter Anais Helen and Jerome (this picture is on the wall behind Jeanne). We stayed
, Claude and me speechless because there is no more perfect demonstration that ... ... time passes inexorably.