Sunday, June 7, 2009

Olive Oil Tick Removal

The merry month of May in Canton

The month of May was mostly a race against time to rehabilitate any the garden because we and much of late (among other things because of "cramming" for Claude IUFM. Note: The Right Honourable average of 11 written was not enough to pass the oral) .

Of all the spots, the repi q uage of "raïolette" remains a highlight (this year, the number chosen was of 1 800 plants) and Claude transplanting in less time it took Luke to prepare the ground.

Dice mid-May, the Township was ready (grass clippings, flower pots, ..) to welcome tourists.
They are also flocked probably because of the many "bridges" of this month, but probably by an effect induced the "crisis". In short, tourism, this was our best month of May since we opened 13 years ago.

That did not stop to celebrate 84 years of John , and the following Sunday to take our place at the feast of the EPA (Luke bar, Claude in the sercice Blaise restaurant replacing its sometimes stand attic).

meantime, we'd move on a Wednesday for a reception in Nimes (Reeve, mayor of Nimes, President of the General Council, ..) where the winners of the "child prisoners" were celebrated (we are very proud that Joan is the first in category "college" and in September we will know his national ranking). We left with a mountain of books and a 4 day trip in Alsace early July.

The month of May can also take diners on the terrace and test new recipes (here, using a torch to serve as a " Creme Brulee "worthy of the best restaurants,
and go picnicking beside a roach to find the pleasures of "jumps" (herein the "gourgue blue" on the roach Mial).

Finally, Helen and Jerome during the weekend of Pentecost, we have the great pleasure to come and celebrate their 10 years of marriage on place "historic" (June 2, 1999 on "bancel hens") with 2 couples.
These 3 days were a great success (time, mind ..) and Sunday evening we had the right to double surprise to see Helena get off first with her wedding dress (which suits him perfectly still), and then see Jeanne who, having slipped into the dress of his "big sister", strictemement take the same position (which had been carrying Helene Jeanne in her arms 10 years ago), but wearing a daughter Anais Helen and Jerome (this picture is on the wall behind Jeanne). We stayed
, Claude and me speechless because there is no more perfect demonstration that ... ... time passes inexorably.