Monday, August 3, 2009

Playing Post Correnation

The News July 2009 News

One month "high season" of the past. We do not complain about the rate of filling (even better than 2008), but a bit rate reservation table d'hote (-30% compared to last year) and prepare for 2, 4 or 6, it is the same as for 10 or 12, so much work, but a lower turnover.

Overall then, we stayed a "head to the grindstone" the whole month, and year after year, pushing on the pedals is becoming harder with a yield of increasingly weak.

We have not had time to take pictures, but "gifois" came one week and Yann had just purchased a must SLR digital camera, which allowed you to see this magnificent butterfly-hummingbird prepare to suck the nectar from a flower of lavender.

It also happened after a good table d'hote, to go make a "plop" in the pool, and I must say that when the moon has an appointment with the Township, evenings are soft in the Cevennes.

Finally, without a table d'hote on Wednesday evening, we went to picnic at Gardon (water should be 28) with Louise and Victor trying to catch fish in the bucket, Jeanne and Blaise who made splash in the gourgue and "artisans" who lounged like sea lions.