Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where Is The Shiny Stone In Soul Silver

Another point of view

below an artistic interpretation

you can find the creations at the following address:

key symbols seem to be well represented ...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Everlast Boxingrobe For Sale Vancouver Bc

And the month of September in the wake

few photos for the month of September, because it was very laborious (especially Luke, see below) a share in the fields (with the pick-braiding and hooking our onions, unearthing and grading potatoes picking figs and manufacture of our famous jam ...), and secondly with our visitors.
In this regard, the month of September was disastrous (more one tourist in the streets of St John) and for us .... it was even comical. Off the first weekend of September when the rally protesting Mialet fills us with 4 rooms for one night, we had in all and for all that two couples, but everyone for two weeks (one of the first half and other in the second half) with host table every evening (except our two days of closing). So we made tables and breakfast 5 times per week in September and every time ... for 2 people.
Fortunately, these two couples were super nice and super exciting (one on bees, and the other on as they are from Montreal Quebec), and we surcharges often go to bed very late because we had not stopped to chat.
Okay, financially, it's pretty devastating and October does not look better. So the "big house" was decided in 2010 and work has been commissioned to create the large terrace Cantou (with the entire surface of the photovoltaic roof. Basically, we will produce as much electricity we consume. there is not green it !!!!).

So taf, there were .... well, it's that month that Claude has taken a week off (okay, well deserved) in the Canary Islands with her step-sister (So, my sister) and a girlfriend.
the left is one of the pools of his residence (sure, it's not worth the Canton), right, are the two beautiful sisters during the rise of a gizmo- trick.

Good, meanwhile, Luke "rowed" and it is not the nymph who was advancing schmilblic. It must be said that this September was amazing (not a drop of rain and 31-32 ° C in the afternoon. Our tourists, Bretons and Canada, have had trouble getting used to the near-heatwave has begun to foster zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes).

Moreover, after a month of hosto, John recovering well from his operation and, after celebrating the anniversary of dignity for 78 years Tate, David's grandfather was quite happy to go see the sea (where the children are bathed in recess).

Friday, October 2, 2009

Big Boobs On Venice Beach

August 2009 (one month forgotten)

Incredible, the blog of August was not written in early September, and we realize in trying to write the blog in September! Should we have been disrupted in this period.

What about this August? well, actually, not much.

Obviously, earlier this month, we down to the ritual votive festival of St Jean du Gard where Blaise with his buddy Hugo imperturbably occupies a shooting range and alignment, board on board, to win a pistol ball. Meanwhile, her sister discovered the joys of bumper cars with her girlfriends. That evening, the celebration was tempered somewhat by a beautiful storm.

Current August, Jean (Claude's father) had to be hospitalized for surgery rather quickly. This has generated quite a number of round trip Township - Montpellier.

For tourists, if we do not have to complaining about their stay in terms of attendance, however, it is clear that the crisis was to restraindre on "unnecessary", which for us resulted in a collapse in the number of host tables (less than 50% 2008!).
tables cottages, 2 or 3 guests throughout the month, we really did realize that our "formula" was outdated or at least inadequate for current demand, and forced us to consider for 2010 .

Anaïs and Vincent (2 children of friends) came to spend their usual week in Canton.
This super well with Blaise and Jeanne (Great poker night ...), and as usual there was a morning after "tree climbing".

Finally, the weekend long awaited end of high season and next school year arrived.
We had booked 2 bungalows, side by side, at Center Park Bruyères in Sologne and had invited Gifois Pougheon and "Newlyweds". The three days were wonderful and everyone was very amiusé (bowling, table tennis tournament, and of course, the enchanted river.