Friday, December 11, 2009

Oakley Razor Blades Replica

The horrible month of November 2009 October 2009


This month of November started off well because we were gone a few days in Paris, mainly to get acquainted with two great-grandchildren of Grandma Andree ( So, mother of Luke), that Faustina said in Pougheon-Mazloum (Rouen) and the youngest, in Felix-Mazloum Poiteau (from Chevry2).

We caused the knowledge of the gracious Queen Faustina in Bourg (Sandra bringing it to his native Normandy for this great opportunity) and Felix beautiful home the next day at Gif sur Yvette.

For this grand occasion, we must say that while the ban and arriere ban of the "family" Mazloum-Pougheon had converged on the corner of the valley of Chevreuse (like the "mamma", though we no longer know who is the son cursed).

to chat (among girls, boys, ....), to stuff yourself for a drink and good Savoyard meal, and for some, to smoke on the terrace of the garden (under a proper time ).

The next day Sunday, forcing Darwin year, we all met at the Jardin des Plantes "in the Great Gallery of Evolution so that" all these young "know well where they came from . Superb show where everyone finds his interest (the skeleton of the whale breathtaking at very specific explanations on the evolution of life).
Monday was also a great day since by a very great chance, "Moroccan" (Corine and Yahia) and "Belgian" (Helena, Zwick and Gilles) were in the Paris region, which allowed us to get all of us on Monday afternoon at the new house of Isabella.

return in the Cevennes was far less glorious. First, Luc (carrying less and less "hot and cold" in Paris) came back with a sore throat that turned into a beautiful bronchitis (To be absorbed, it requires 2 sets of 7 days' antibiotics horse). In the end bronchitis, Blaise said symptoms that strongly resembled the influenza A (he stayed three days in bed without moving) and wolves school 8 days. Then came the turn of Jeanne, who was probably the same thing (and harder but shorter).

Finally, on 26 at night, the terrible news arrived by phone: John (father of Claude), who was recovering well after surgery in mid-August, had just died after a very hard stroke.
The next day, ie on 27, it was expected that John and Tate come to Canton to celebrate 14 years of Jeanne.
This anniversary was obviously very upset, but Jeanne celebrated with his friends Saturday night and Sunday we went to Ales first Chinese restaurant and then to the cinema to see 2012 (perfect as intellectual level).

NB: 27, it happened I do not know what in my computer but the motherboard made unreadable by roasting the whole hard drive (very nice when the last backup date of 3 weeks and you do not know not save any Outlook contact list). The new machine arrived yesterday and I managed to get internet today (which explains the delay).