Monday, February 1, 2010

Pink In My Cervical Mucus

The cold and snowy month of January 2010 December 2009

month of January it will restart work on the field, one of several beautiful snow and our large padded table tennis (18 -0) cons team Calvisson.

Obviously, there were also many, many "galette" is local (brioche with candied fruit in a turban ...) or Paris (the "normal" for me with or without the frangipane). We retain the custom that this is the youngest of diners who put underneath to designate who receives such a blind or such part.

For work, so it went, and damn well distributed, since we plan to make a terrace facing south (normally completed by March) and rehabilitate derelict buildings above the Clède (the roof threatening collapse in the coming months), but this rehabilitation will quietly on 3 or 4 years.
So, as we have now decided to rent the whole east of the farmhouse "big house" (the words "guest house" being now possible that an average season, from May to June and September-October) we bring over at least the summer, completely on the western side where there were rooms and lodging The Cantou.
Obviously, the "live" from Cantou is much smaller than our large living room to the east and we had to expand (especially in summer) not feel tight.
The solution was to create a large terrace facing South (5 m long and 4 m deep) with transformation of the living room window of Cantou door-window and the icing on the cake, the roof of the terrace will be completely covered with photovoltaic panels.

After the solar panels for hot water (annual savings of 1200 liters of fuel), it was time that we wanted to PV because it is green and it is big (virtually, our overall electricity bill will be paid by our recipe for sale to EDF of electicity).

Work could start as planned in early January. After having dug itself (and replanted elsewhere) would have found that mulberry in the future terrace, a mini-excavator was able to make 3 huge holes filled with concrete, stabilize the 3 pillars on the terrace.

With time in January, we can not say the concrete and pull quickly so there were many days of waiting between the filling of holes and pillars rising (more than one week), drying of the pillars and the formwork between the 3 pillars (another week) .
Then, the acceleration was in one day, the terrace appeared (applying some set of beams and slabs with lego).
The next day, there was reinforcement, formwork and "concrete" from the sole of the deck and the concrete was allowed to dry until the following Monday (which is in February, so ... to follow in future blog this month or on "photo of the week" on the website).

Besides answering questions from workers, the terrace does not take long. Fortunately, because with that comes autoentreprenor give us a hand at half-time (that Anthony, a young club tennis table which does not work in every garage mechanic 60km round ), Luke attacked remove all parts of the building will be renovated. To date, it's almost over but it has consumed eight days to 2 (with days 6 to 7 hours of work.
Ci-cons, a photo of the piece mullion window because we could not see it disappeared behind a mountain of wood, tiles and slabs flexoutuiles. If the DDE
willing to grant us permission (we're on the third version) in late February, the restructuring of these buildings (roof reconstruction, and "displacement" of some walls) should begin in early March. We

(Claude and Luc) also spend a lot of time thinking about the "commoditization" of the living rooms of the "big house" (not the rooms that were already "trivialized" in cottages, but parts of Low: living room, sitting room, kitchen) in solving the question "how to be with us in these parts from Monday to Thursday and leave them to tourists for the weekend? "

In this context, Claude is hard to find time and concentration to his work for the April competition hum.

Besides that, we still find time to go to the theater (very beautiful "Twelfth Night" at the Crater in Alès), go to dinner with friends or to receive the Township, and working day except on the outside, we do every day for a walk half an hour to an hour. and, this month with snow, it was a real pleasure.