Friday, April 2, 2010

Gay Sauna In Charlotte

"special" in March 2010


can truly say that this month of March was mainly very special in terms of weather.

Cantou The terrace should be fully completed, it will not be before mid-April because the tile needs 2 consecutive days of "no rain", and weather of Mars has been very stingy on this probability. Nevertheless, photovoltaics are asked to come and ERDF connection March 31.
Since we produce about 12 kWh per day (7,2 € a recipe. In July, we expect an average of 13 €).

Other big news, the building permit for the "Barn" has been finally granted, the repair work will start in early April. But we will stop the work mid-May, which there is little chance that the roof and installation of windows are made for this summer (hence the site will be difficult).

Obviously, the great business of the month was the numerous and copious snowfall, and somewhere, it was a bit silly to go on a Sunday Aigoual (with a superb time) for sledding on snow layers of pl us 2 meters, because in the next night, he fell nearly 40 cm of a fine powder on the Township.

The neighbor even came to see us bat, and the many falls of snow, with sunny tomorrow, we gave during very unusual walks around the house with the landscape almost unrecognizable.

Aigoual Sunday after we were "doing" gorges Lamalou (small river that empties into the Hérault). It's been awhile since we had this "hike" in our shelves, and we really have not been disappointed (piercing of arches, large pots of the devil, beautiful waterfalls, ...).
We will return in late spring, because the guides indicate that this hike exchange "style" according to the season (around May-June, you can descend into the gorge "rivièring).

Nevertheless, the vegetation has even recognize when it was spring and the daffodils, hyacinths, .... are still blooming (but with a month delay).

But the last surprise of this month was amazing on Tuesday 30 where there was a hailstorm, and in half an hour, the ground was covered with 3 to 4 cm of small hail.

The forsythia was amazed to still have cold feet.