Sunday, December 17, 2006

How To Do Tape Up Haircut

Garden itinerant

"Martyrdom" street of the Exchequer (victim of neglect, theft or various depredations), previously installed the planter to 21 bis, rue of the Exchequer was moved Saturday 16 December and rested at 105, rue du Faubourg Saint Denis (Paris X) next to the terrace of the staircase.

Above, a view on the site before the relocation.

Below the garden during the installation

and below the result ...

... everyone will enjoy this beautiful place!

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Genital Herpes From Shaving

Record Greening meeting of September 19, 2006

8 Present: Gilles BAYART Elizabeth Dartigalongue Henriette Farid and her neighbor Mary DELAUHIER "at 7 Court Farm Saint Lazare, Emmanuel LARGER, THE MASNE Bernadette, Michelle Doucet, Gilles ROUX

Agenda established session by modifying the agenda proposed by Bernadette THE MASNE:
0 / green space (garden) at the entrance of the new kindergarten behind Satragne.
1 / QC following the May 30, 2006
2 / outstanding legal issues
3 / cotton is not (to find a name for this project)
4 / 21 Exchequer gardener
5 / fountains
6 / contest flowered balconies
7 / various

0 / green space (garden) at the entrance of the new kindergarten behind Satragne. The council reportedly proposed
(who, when, in what context, what project?) To make a "gardener".
The "terminal" or stakes are missing on the sidewalk (4 facing No. 5, 1 face No. 7a) for parking or abuse on the sidewalk.
Question on access to the printing FRAZIER with trucks and loads too heavy for the new pavement deteriorates rapidly.
TO DO: check what it is, especially after the change of status of the court of the Ferme Saint Lazare by Fabienne LELEUX question and Yann LE LEUXHE.
Build a team of W and a project of a gardener. Henriette Farid and her neighbor Mary DELAUHIER "at 7 Court Farm Saint Lazare should find a neighbor with email address to register.

2 / outstanding legal issues
TO DO : Find and amend the charter "flowering of public space" to be signed by a / associations in Fabienne LELEUX

3 / cotton is not (to find a name for this project). LARGER
Emmanuel is in contact with CIRAD Montpellier 1 kg of cotton seed for sowing and planting in the district (who, when or in what context, what project?). Gilles ROUX known as cotton.
idea to contact local correspondents from CIRAD and neighborhood groups to get them interested in the project: PLU's Garden & Centre Cultutel Kurd, Leek The Agile shared garden, nursery and elementary schools; sow the seeds "under glass" with schools and transplanted at the right time in the windows of homes.
TO DO: check the feasibility climate, planting time, seed type, exposure, vegetation cycle Š
a Submission GREENING, leek and Agile PLU's Garden & CIRAD. W
on financing via the CQ and nurseries in school.

4 / 21 Exchequer gardener
Decision to move the gardener of 21 Exchequer above 105 rue Fg St-Denis in the extension of the terrace of the "stairway", once the team will consist of W (Zonzon & Robert will be contacted about this), for arranging transportation, replanting and future maintenance.
TO DO : Gilles BAYART W is team and arranges the transfer.

5 / fountains
Dartigalongue Elizabeth talks about the crayfish in the Place des Victoires and a proposed garden / fountain at St Lawrence. Idea of drinking fountain (not just for pigeons) in the neighborhood.
TO DO: Contact Christian EMORINE about the proposed garden / fountain at St Lawrence. Develop the team of W and the proposed garden / fountain Satragne beside the "place Satragne" which will be discussed soon in CQ.

6 / contest flowered balconies
No answers from the people of CQ for participation in the jury of the flowered balconies, though not on principle, why, what amendemants suggestions to improve the aims change the technocratic vision flowers (cf. 2 / outstanding legal issues), work with local florists, offering the assistance of the cotton flower
TO DO : GREENING add to the design competitions and flowery balconies offer one per season, for example, cotton, poppy, tobacco, hemp, flax, all ornamentals, and no culture "GMO or industrial or illegal" ?

7 / U Next
various group GREENING October 24 in room reserved by Michelle DOUCET
TO DO: add corner St-Denis / Paradise as garden location in the "program" GREENING, at the request of Michelle DOUCET

How Do You Masterbate Vidoes

Techniques green roof garden

A meeting was held at the Hall, 13 th district by the Association of Friends of the place EcoZAC Rungis July 7, 2006. Its purpose was to present the techniques of roof greening. The presentation was made by the company SOPREMA, expert installation and maintenance of green roofs.

achievements were visualized. Some in the Ile-de-France: Nobel School of Clichy-sous-Bois, EMPC Aubervilliers, Orly Ouest (Level taxis), Gonesse Hospital, medical center Jean Garnier in Paris 15 th , etc.. Many Other achievements in the provinces (Hospital Sélestat Nantes tramway, etc.).

Roofs "revegetation" are often flat, but may be sloped. To seal the roof and maintain the substrate, the first frame roof. It then establishes a variable thickness of substrate (8-25 cm). This substrate is different from that of planted walls.

plants are varied: sedum (a dozen varieties), lavender, thyme, Syringa microphylla (dwarf lilac), flax, etc.. Sedums have the quality retain water and reduce runoff coefficient (0.7 instead of 1 with a substrate of 8 cm thick, 12 cm in thickness yields a doubling of water retention). They are strong in drought (natural strategy to protect the plant).

The sprinkler system varies by region. South of the Loire you can use a sprinkler system. North of the Loire requires watering about once a week (watering to saturation).

The sedum does not need to be serviced more than once a year Contrary to the turf on this green roofs or on the railway tracks, which requires a score of clippings a year and regular watering. The roofs are planted with sedum economic and environmentally friendly.

In buildings topped with a green roof, we can gain a few decibels in sound insulation and some thermal insulation due to inertia (keep warm in winter and cool in summer). The snow is not detrimental, rather it protects plants in winter.

In principle we do not work on a green roof. To become accessible, create paths and railings.

The biggest drawback of this system is the use of vegetation to chemical fertilizers, necessary according to the company Soprema. The installation cost is relatively high: 100 € / m2. This price includes the supply and installation of plants.

The details of the company SOPREMA: 8 Avenue de Rouen, 27200 Vernon. Tel: 02 32 21 50 14. Its representative is Christopher Glévéau.

The EcoZAC (BIA ecological) of the place de Rungis is a planned development around the Place de Rungis, a wasteland of 3 ha. It was launched in spring 2006.

Association of Friends of EcoZAC ensure that the objectives of environmental, social diversity, creating friendly places and associations, are respected.

His address: Maison des Associations 13 th , 11 rue Caillaux, 75013 Paris. Tel: 06 11 34 02 73. URL:

May 3, 2006 A great site for roofing vegetated (from Gilles Roux)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bit Lip And Now White


Hello everyone

Saturday, April 8, the group Greening District Council St Denis Paradis
Was held on behalf of all the inhabitants of civilized
use the recess wall 21 Street aa of the Exchequer.
(Corner usual trash and urinal)
Our little reporter was there.

PS qqs share deposits garbage bags and collage posters above,
the gardener is almost met for 3 days. Go see
qd mm quickly, you never know. Next

operation soon .... Call for volunteers

Amitiés Gilles

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Texturizer Brazilian Keratin Treatment


At the rehabilitation of the court of Small-Stables in 2003, widening sidewalks and eliminating parking, New PDAC, association court and passage of small stable, with as to "improving the quality of life" has naturally called to install plants in as many as possible, and that in the public space, the street. Invitation based on the simple observation that, in any location, there is a strong presence of plants, the place becomes more enjoyable.
In addition, the ACPE, we know there is absolutely nothing in plantations or peu.D First, after the municipality was established in the new plan for the court, 9 trees, soap, a few people, by Action condominiums, 5 and 6, and 11, installed big pots of flowers in front of their buildings. Then PDAC, assisted by the District Council, has implemented the feet of three trees, if not become toilet canine: boxwood, ocubas and charcoals. As a result, residents have developed their plantations in the windows and balconies. As the Flo brasserie and recently, the coffee-Blue Cherry who installed trays, pots and small additional jardinières.Sans forgetting of course, the big operation in February 2005, directed by co-ownership of No. 16, to install eight huge pots of shrubs on the small plot at home. In 2 good years, the face of the Court has changed. From a parking pretty disgusting, it became a much nicer area. * Here we see the effect of a virtuous circle. One starts, the other continues, and so on.
municipality, condominiums, local association, merchants, residents and the Council district. Since then, the ACPE, through some tough times, broken pots, plants stolen, trash, disease, pursued that goal. Currently, benefits are there. It has only come to see. But it is still precarious. We always regret the lack of participation that would do more. Even more pots and the other 6 feet of trees. We're hiring. And dogs, rather teachers who leave their pets to soil the plants, which destroys and does not want to crop. "This is just the beginning, keep the compost!" JMC

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mucus Before The Period

Pochaines shares

Preparing planting planted wall Exchequer Street: Saturday 1st and 8th April. Rendez-vous "in recess" on the spot. Visit

plot SERNAM: Sunday, February 26 at 15h

Friday, January 20, 2006

Symptoms Sore Throat Hard To Swallow

A green corner

Sunday, January 1, 2006