Tuesday, October 3, 2006

How Do You Masterbate Vidoes

Techniques green roof garden

A meeting was held at the Hall, 13 th district by the Association of Friends of the place EcoZAC Rungis July 7, 2006. Its purpose was to present the techniques of roof greening. The presentation was made by the company SOPREMA, expert installation and maintenance of green roofs.

achievements were visualized. Some in the Ile-de-France: Nobel School of Clichy-sous-Bois, EMPC Aubervilliers, Orly Ouest (Level taxis), Gonesse Hospital, medical center Jean Garnier in Paris 15 th , etc.. Many Other achievements in the provinces (Hospital Sélestat Nantes tramway, etc.).

Roofs "revegetation" are often flat, but may be sloped. To seal the roof and maintain the substrate, the first frame roof. It then establishes a variable thickness of substrate (8-25 cm). This substrate is different from that of planted walls.

plants are varied: sedum (a dozen varieties), lavender, thyme, Syringa microphylla (dwarf lilac), flax, etc.. Sedums have the quality retain water and reduce runoff coefficient (0.7 instead of 1 with a substrate of 8 cm thick, 12 cm in thickness yields a doubling of water retention). They are strong in drought (natural strategy to protect the plant).

The sprinkler system varies by region. South of the Loire you can use a sprinkler system. North of the Loire requires watering about once a week (watering to saturation).

The sedum does not need to be serviced more than once a year Contrary to the turf on this green roofs or on the railway tracks, which requires a score of clippings a year and regular watering. The roofs are planted with sedum economic and environmentally friendly.

In buildings topped with a green roof, we can gain a few decibels in sound insulation and some thermal insulation due to inertia (keep warm in winter and cool in summer). The snow is not detrimental, rather it protects plants in winter.

In principle we do not work on a green roof. To become accessible, create paths and railings.

The biggest drawback of this system is the use of vegetation to chemical fertilizers, necessary according to the company Soprema. The installation cost is relatively high: 100 € / m2. This price includes the supply and installation of plants.

The details of the company SOPREMA: 8 Avenue de Rouen, 27200 Vernon. Tel: 02 32 21 50 14. Its representative is Christopher Glévéau.

The EcoZAC (BIA ecological) of the place de Rungis is a planned development around the Place de Rungis, a wasteland of 3 ha. It was launched in spring 2006.

Association of Friends of EcoZAC ensure that the objectives of environmental, social diversity, creating friendly places and associations, are respected.

His address: Maison des Associations 13 th , 11 rue Caillaux, 75013 Paris. Tel: 06 11 34 02 73. URL: www.ecozacderungis.org

May 3, 2006 A great site for roofing vegetated (from Gilles Roux)



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