Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Virtual Jesse Jane Streaming

OCCUPATION OF THE PUBLIC BY THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FLOWER / Authorization for temporary occupation

Directorate of Roads and Transport
Heritage Department of Highways
Address location:


ASSOCIATION (Name and address)
Appendix 1
Given the resolution of Highways of the City of Paris established by resolution of the Council of Paris of 31 May 1999 and its implementing decrees and implementation implementation of the December 12, 2006, both issued with a list of appendices in the News Bulletin Official of the City of Paris published December 29, 2006
Considering the application of which by the association: "
GARDENS AND PLU'S 'requests authorization revegetate the area of public
through planters mobile
On the record presented by the petitioner;
Given the charter signed on by the petitioner;
Given the favorable opinion of the Prefect of Police received the
... ... ... .. accordance with the General Code of Territorial
particular Article L.2512-13;
Seen referral to the Mayor 10th arrondissement
dated July 21, 2007 in accordance with the general code of local authorities including
Article L. 2511-30;
Considering the decree of 25 February 2005 providing
including duty relief road for associations
asking planters and bins contributing to the greening
public space;
Given the order of August 23, 2004 delegating
signed by the Mayor of Paris in the direction of the road and travel
view of the master plan of the highway accessibility to persons with disabilities. On the proposal
The Director of Highways and Transport,
Article 1 - Purpose
The association called "PLU'S GARDENS AND" whose head office is: 22 bis rue de Paradis 75010 PARIS is authorized to occupy the public rail system in order to implement mobile planters (list of types of planters in Annex 1) on the sidewalk (list of sites in Annex 2). The presence
planters will not cause any inconvenience to traffic and safety of persons using the adjacent lane or no disturbance, nuisance or annoyance to residents of adjoining properties.
No Change can be made to the above project or the destination of the work without prior written consent of the City of Paris (Directorate of Roads and Transport).

This authorization applies to a dependence of the public domain is granted on an essentially precarious and revocable at will by the City of Paris, without any compensation in case of withdrawal and the sub any circumstances.
In an emergency reasons or for reasons of general interest, the City of Paris reserves the right to require full or partial withdrawal of the planters and the removal materials in preventing forms of Article 6. EFFECTIVE DATE

This authorization takes effect from its submission to the state representative.
will be outdated as of right if it is not exercised in a period of one year, whether the installation of planters is not undertaken or whether the implementation of the latter is suspended for a period than six months.
will be automatically renewed for one year from year to year unless notice of three months. ARTICLE
This authorization is strictly personal. The Licensee may not assign all or part of the rights and obligations of this Order to a third party without the written consent of the City of Paris.
the absence of authorization from the City of Paris, any transaction will be void against him and may result in immediate termination and complete this authorization without compensation.
If unauthorized assignment, the assignor guarantees remain in solidarity with the new owner as to the City of Paris only to third parties for any harmful consequences arising from the presence of planters.
Before installing the garden, a visit will be carried out with a contradictory duly accredited representative of the association and the minutes will be prepared and forwarded to the association and the Borough Hall. To this end, the association will contact the heads of territorial sections of road concerned and cleanliness.
The association will take the field in the state where it is located, as described in the minutes.
The association must take all measures necessary to the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.
The association will make its business applications Information provided by existing texts. To this end, the Directorate of Roads and Transport, he should be seized, the licensee shall make available to existing texts and a list of the occupants of the basement.
Moreover, whatever the proposed work, the association will consider the legal and regulatory requirements. Any amendments to these texts, from the date of signature, shall be communicated to the Association by the Directorate of Roads and Transport. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS

The establishment of planters is the sole responsibility of the licensee, without intervention, neither guaranteed nor disbursements City of Paris. MAINTENANCE

The association held constant at its expense, the entire landscape in perfect state of preservation and security, maintenance, cleanliness and sanitation. She must comply with requirements which would, if any, imposed for that purpose by the City of Paris.
To this end, the association will:
- sweep, wash and remove any debris, dirt and waste of any nature whatsoever, even as
provisionally from the use of planters,
- remove sludge and more generally any stagnation of fluid and detritus in the planters.
Any failure in the maintenance of planters not corrected and confirmed by the City departments will repeal the authorization within a period of seven days, as described in section 5 below.
authorization, insofar as it granted precarious, is revocable.
It may be withdrawn as provided in section 2 and at the initiative of the association if it renounces its authorization.
Regarding the breach of the terms, charges and conditions of this Order, a notice of having to fulfill its obligations shall be addressed to the licensee in the administrative form or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

CONDITIONS For all cases of withdrawal of permission for licensee's fault and the expiry of one month, if the demand remained unsuccessful, the decision to repeal the decree will be taken on the administrative form or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt;
This one-month period will be reduced to eight days in the cases provided for in Article 2. REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES

of withdrawal authorization, or waiver of the benefit, the association will be held under the supervision of technical services for the City of Paris to remove all planters and remove materials from, all without any compensation and at his own expense and risk.
absence for the association to comply with and without further notice as well as its sole charge, he shall be ex officio by the City of Paris.
The Association shall be fully liable to third parties and without recourse against the City of Paris, of any accident, injury and consequential damages, and any prosecution for any other reason may be because:
- the work of creation, protection and repair, and finally removal of all or part of its implementation on public Parisian
- the presence of use and operation, maintenance of these planters,
- the failure of current laws and regulations, including those explicitly referred to in this authorization, and those which may be taken later may be applied. CONDITIONS OF USE

The association may not raise any claim due to damage or consequential damages that may incur all or part of its landscaping, whatever the cause, and in particular following:
- to order measures or police
- any significant change in traffic direction and traffic plan for vehicles and pedestrians on the public rail system in question and around Paris.
- to work the city of Paris or its licensees in adjacent units.
The combination should have been advised of these actions by the City of Paris.

STATE FEES Pursuant to Article 1-E & 3 of the Order of the Mayor of Paris, dated 25 February 2005 the association is exempt from civic duties.
Third party rights are expressly reserved and remain. ARTICLE
that may arise regarding the implementation of this order may be a claim with the administration. Failing agreement, the dispute shall be brought before the courts.
10.-A certified copy of this Order be sent to:
-The Prefect of Police
-Madam Director of Finance of the City of Paris-
Madam Director and Green Spaces Environment of the City of Paris
-The Director of the Clean Water and the City of Paris
-The Director of Highways and Transport of the City of Paris
-The Deputy Mayor 10th Delegate to green spaces and cleanliness
-The Deputy Mayor of the 10th Delegate for Road
-The association "GARDENS AND PLU'S"
Done in Paris:
For the Mayor of Paris and by delegation
Schedule 1 Types of planters

forms will be rectangular planters or cubic varying sizes depending on location. The tray
gardener must consider the site architecture, integrating the corner or the proposed site without exceeding the following dimensions: maximum of 2 meters length, 1 meter high and 1 meter wide. Pathways and the chore of cleaning services by around the garden will be respected.
In some places it will be possible to place two planters in response to approximately 2.20 m in total length. Appendix 2

Rue d'Hauteville
with Carrefour Rue d'Enghien, northwest corner (near 13 rue d'Hauteville): a gardener or a 80x80 tray at the curb between two passages pedestrians, instead of a post. Small street with Carrefour
Stables, southwest corner (37 rue d'Hauteville): two flower or two 60x60 bins at the curb between the two pedestrian crossings, instead of stakes.
No. 50: A couple of planters on the sidewalk, instead of stakes.
No. 80 (the plot rounded): 3 planters along the sidewalk (next to the parking 2 R)
Rue Gabriel Laumain
11: JG on a gable wall (1.10 m L)
No. 9: JG on two gable walls (L 1.30 m / 1.40 m)
No. 10 and No. 12 on two gable walls JG: 120x40 cm to the west, and two small on both sides of the downspout (80x60 and 60x60) east
Rue Messaging
11: JG on a gable wall (L 1.50 m) [urban hardware: clock and EDF 50cm soil]
No. 25: JG on a gable wall next to the restaurant near the small Bavarian angle fbg fishmonger (L 1.60 m)
City of Hauteville
No. 14: JG on a gable wall, planted wall
No. 9 and 10: three pots at the bottom pediment: a planted wall; Fontaine Rue de Chabrol rebuild

No. 15-17: JG on two gable walls (L 2.40 m and 3m) + and vegetated walls two large trays 100x100 or 80x80 cm (trees)
No. 35 to 41 (at school): a row of planters curb
Court Ferme Saint-Lazare
next to the Mercure: JG on a wall Gable (L 2.50 m)
Rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
Carrefour with Small Street Stables, southeast corner (front fabric store), two planters on the sidewalk, instead of stakes.
Rue de Paradis
7: residential and office: two planters on either side of the entrance under the porch.
No. 15: a planter 50 x 110 cm + JG possible gear.
No. 27 bis: a gardener 50 x 150 cm + JG possible gear.
No. 30/32: 320x320 cm square area rugs available for several bins and planters, a square tray 100x100 cm, 4 cm planters 50x100, 50x150
planters 4 No. 38: 2 x 80 x 80 xh 80 cm in front of 2 mullions HSBC, speaking to Ms. Rose Combaud / HSBC talking to Mrs. MANSARD sole owner of the building.
No. 40: gable front parking lot exit No. 42: 1 JG 140x40 cm
No. 41: 2 x 80 x 80 xh 80 cm on both sides of TESORO d'Italia.
No. 43: 2 x 80x80 cm (Paradise City)
Street Fidelity
No. 24: residential : A flower custom masonry, behind the gate and the maximum height cabinet under the window sill in the DRC, there are already too small.
No. 16: a planter 50 x 100 cm + JG possible gear.
Angle Boulevard Strasbourg: two tanks along the rounded edge of the sidewalk under the streetlight, a tray next to the plane at the gate, as a starting point for many online ferries between the trees in front of the gates.
Rue de Metz. This street should be put aside:
Study of a major project of greening on the pavement very wide: large lawn and flowers planted throughout the length of the sidewalk north (over 100 m by 7.5 m wide),
(reserve parking 2 wheels at the end)
A real square, incorporating a driveway for traffic pedestrians, benches, a planted wall to refresh summer school.
Exchequer Street
8: residential: one or two planters
No. 21a to 23: plan and overall development, with massive and ornate pergola between trees + two gable walls vegetated.
Rue du Faubourg Saint Denis Street intersection
Metz / Exchequer Street: temporary facility, pending the square :
angle Metz north front of the school (No. 34): 2-5 planters, curb-side (along the railings) - check with school?
crossroads of Small Stables Street / Castle Street water: small angle
stables north (No. 73): 2 trees in large containers (100x100 or 80x80 cm)
No. 75 to 79: flowery terraces (cafes, restaurants) + planters for "channeling" illegal parking motorcycles
Paradise street intersection / street of Loyalty: Loyalty north
angle: 3 flowering trees in large containers (to travel agent)
angle paradise south (No. 95a): 1 pan or 2 large cans between parking 2 wheels and pedestrian crossing.
generally Fbg St Denis to discuss with ABF to accept the plants. On
entire length of the street market, planters or containers between the posts, on the edge of sidewalks (city and merchants)
Rue des Petites Stables
No. 54: JG on a gable wall (1.20 m L)
Court and the passage of small écuriesComme rue de Metz, the Court of Small Stables request a specific program: Small Claims Court Stables (trees): Complete the work to make it a true "Green Street". Vegetate along the entire length, repeat square feet of trees, planters and bins all along. Creating a flower bed, possibly interrupted massifs.n 1: Entering the Fbg St Denis, rehabilitate the planted wall: modulation watering, shut off the "corner urinal" between the MV and front - shutter condamné.n 2: corner, 2 planters angle L: 240x60 cm and 200x60 cm. In front, other planters or pots ... To be continued throughout the 15-17 ° Cour.n small courtyard stables (back to Enghien): 4 jars or tins (before housing 3F) Passage of small teams (to blind wall ) space to requalify. Prohibit vehicular traffic, creating a true pedestrian and cycles.n 14 (corner of Passage): plot abandoned, unsafe, rat-hole: to expropriate private space: Request DUP for "state neglect and obvious health risks." Create a real small garden. Typology of settlements

Planter Jardiniere with climbing plants (JG)
tray / pot square
Wall vegetated
Terrace Planter flower
to redesignate Area

Donate Blood For Money Florida

Charter greening space Public Record

Charter revegetation of public space associations by means of planters mobile

PREAMBLE The municipality wants to pursue a policy of comprehensive redevelopment of public spaces in Paris in terms of landscape, architecture, customs and way of life. In this context, several schemes to increase the presence of plants in the city have been gradually defined and implemented: planting additional trees, planters full of earth, planted walls, flowering trees of the feet. To maintain consistency of municipal action in this area and avoid congestion of pedestrian space by new development or street furniture, all new vegetation shall be performed by one of the methods listed above, the conditions of implementation and maintenance are clearly defined. Only if none of these methods of vegetation can not be accepted that the introduction of planters moving up, acquired and maintained by associations, may be considered.
This "Charter of revegetation of public space by means of planters associations mobile" defines the conditions for implementation of these arrangements. This charter reflects the legal norms and procedures of the departments involved in municipal operations with revegetation which private players will come together to ensure the success of these operations. Beyond the prescriber character of this document, emphasis is given to practical recommendations to help organizations wishing to participate in this operation to implement their plans for revegetation in the best conditions on the territory of Paris.
Terms and Legal Framework:
associations are allowed to install planters on some mobile public spaces designed in consultation with municipal services (Department of Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces - Directorate of Roads and Transport) and police authorities. The possibility of implantation will be considered by those services according to local conditions, including the size of the space, type and characteristics of the planter and plantation planned.
regard to occupy a portion of the highway, this facility will also be subject to the issuance of a temporary permission to occupy the public domain by the Directorate of Roads and Transport under the conditions defined by the latter . An example authorization road is annexed to this Charter. It will be renewed under the conditions defined in the authorization road. This authorization is exempt from road rights as stated in the permit road.
Choice planters:
routes and major arteries Parisians can not receive any type of furniture. The planters will be similar in principle to the model annexed to this Charter, and constituted a material colored mineral clay. They are cylindrical or tapered. Their diameters are between 80 and 120 centimeters. Their models and their implementations will be studied on a case by case basis.
3) Selection of plants:
Planters on public roads are subjected to extreme drought, wind, pollution, shadow, air currents, vandalism ... It is therefore necessary to install the plants vigorous and persistent. A table annexed to this Charter offers a selection of plants which can be selected according to their strength and level of development desired.
The plants must be selected and combined to provide, throughout the year, a truly harmonious plant composition.
thorny plants should be avoided as well as with fruits and toxic berries. The proposal
species not listed in the attached table should be submitted to municipal authorities (Service Operations Gardens) which ensure their adaptation to local conditions and safety.
4) The maintenance of furniture and plants:
The association will, at its expense, and under the conditions stated in the permit road, all operations related to the vegetation and its maintenance:
-supply and the laying of the planter,
-supply and installation of the substrate and plants,
-maintenance and repair of the flower-
the horticultural maintenance, cleaning and watering of vegetation
maintenance of the planter
The gardener must be kept in perfect condition, functionally and aesthetically. The Association will repair and interventions where necessary to maintain the integrity of the planter and safety of pedestrians and vehicles as indicated in the authorization road.
products used for surface operations of the gardener (protection against the elements of signs, ...) should be subject to approval by the Department of Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces to verify their compliance with health, safety and environmental friendliness. The horticultural maintenance

Trees or shrubs should be pruned regularly in order to contain development within the envelope of the gardener.
Pesticides and fertilizers can be hazardous to your health, and more for the environment. As such, their use is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to use gentle methods and natural remedies that meet the ecological balance by promoting, example, the existence of predators of pests.
The frequency of watering will be at least once a week in summer and as needed based on selected plants.
Paris City Hall (Garden House) will provide all necessary advice.
Maintaining cleanliness Cleanliness
planters is a key issue. The association must ensure the cleanliness of this facility and intervene as necessary and under the conditions stated in the permit road
5) Signage: A sign
adapted and homogeneous, the gardener will be affixed by the association. It should contain the name and address of the association responsible for the gardener and invite road users to respect this arrangement. It shall indicate whether the funding comes from the neighborhood council
Planter raised and maintained by the association

with permission from the City of Paris.
Financing: XXXXXXXXX
Help beautify your neighborhood
Please respect this space by not placing any rubbish in the garden
6) Other provisions:
Other conditions including the duration, the effective date , assignment, conditions of works, removal, liability, financial arrangements, the rights of third parties, the trial of disputes are set in the permit road.
It is further stated that the association will purchase an insurance policy covering the risks related to the exercise of the authorization has been granted. A copy of this policy will be delivered to the Department Operations Branch Gardens Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces and the Directorate of Roads and Transport
7) Related documents
-Sample Authorization Road
-Examples of planters Plants recommended
8) Signatories:
This charter will be signed by:
A qualified representative of the association
The Borough Mayor (or his representative)
The Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of Environment, Clean , Green Spaces and Waste Treatment, or the Director of Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces.
Any amendment to the Charter will be endorsed by the signatories.
9) Useful numbers:
district ... .. Tel:
Branch Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces Service Operation

Garden District ... ....
Tel. :
House Garden
41 rue Paul Belmondo, Parc de Bercy 75012 Paris
tel: 01 53 46 19 30
Mr. (Madam) President
(e) of the Association of Opinion
Mr. (Madam) Mayor of the Borough

Mr. Yves Contassot
Deputy Mayor of Paris, in charge of Environment,
the Clean, Green Spaces
and Waste Treatment

Saturday, November 3, 2007

What Size Penis Is Unenjoyable

Greening meeting of October 29, 2007 Meeting Summary

Present: Bernadette Le Masne, Gilles Roux, Géraldine Prévot, Stéphane Prévot, Veronique Borde, Gilles Bayart, Pascal Dufour, Emmanuel Larger, Armelle Crépy

1. Planters

Synthesis of previous episodes:
· The AOT (Temporary occupation permit) is granted to an association (no appropriation of public space by individuals). Applicants for a gardener must adhere to it.
· The association responsible for the Gardens and gardening can be PLU's (which is an object), or any other association (around a condominium, for example).
· The association must ensure civil liability.
• The District Council adopted in April 2007 a vow to purchase planters, with the land and plants on its capital budget. • For use
the investment budget for the QC effect of installing planters, it will go through a provider. It is information recently provided by the city, which changes our plans because we thought we do ourselves a low price, with the participation of residents.
° The meeting with the provider took place recently at the town hall and we expect an initial estimate for a gardener to install street of Fidelity. We hope that the whole operation will not exceed € 4000 HT amount beyond which there should be competition several providers.
· During exploratory walks, hundreds of sites in the district were identified and pre-validation by EPB, and DVD. It is urgent to confirm the validation of five or six locations in which people have already placed volunteers in order to sign the first AOT and thus realize the work undertaken on the texts in December 2006.

New members confirmed their interest in the project area and their willingness to participate. They undertake to mobilize neighbors to maintain "their" garden.

A party will be held for the signing of the TOAs of the street of Fidelity.
A new site is proposed and discussed in the Court of La Ferme Saint-Lazare. The group will explore the possibility of an establishment (opening width). A visit

first five or six sites with the DPE (Directorate Clean) and DVD (Directorate of Roads and Transport) is scheduled for Wednesday 31/10 to 13h (by appointment before the bar L'Escalier rue Fbg St Denis).

2. Project rue de Metz

Following a request from the leadership team of the Council of Neighborhood In March 2007, a budget of € 110,000 (for design and production) has been adopted for management of vegetated rue de Metz. It's an investment project is located, funded by the Hotel de Ville and supported by the City of Xth. As has been established by the leadership team of QC with our elected officials, as with any project on our neighborhood, the group will participate in the consultation and be involved from the stage of the study design, development and implementation of the project scheduled for 2008.

The 1st phase is a feasibility study (Budget 11,000 euros). The group Greening and Urban Development Committee-Public land management re-ask a co-responsibility in this study.

Gilles Bayart (architect) proposing a development with arbor covering all sections of the sidewalk north, including existing trees (see picture), lighting beneath the arbor, planter to the wall of the school, and planted wall, trellis for climbing plants.

After further review of the plan provided by the mayor, Gilles Roux (President of City Garden Hand) proposed that integrates the study (as requested CQ) the realization of a shared garden "at length" on the north side of Rue de Metz, around the tree line. The area available is sufficient, and it does not seem to be fair dealer networks in this space. The field is sufficiently sunny.

This could open garden plots involve teaching "open to the public" in relation to school, and plots for residents and neighborhood associations. Many people can take part in the beautification and bio-diversity of their public space.

The shared garden can be realized in the ground in excavation between the trees (and floor)-studies to update, on the sidewalk recently-renovated, or, initially, in the garden in squares, slab, like the "Gardens of stone" to win considerable time and reduce costs considerably. It could thus be opened in the spring.

The garden should include a composting station nearby, with a partnership with the school canteen and shops fruit and vegetables.

Both aspects of the project (planted wall, arbor garden and shared) are compatible and eco-compatible.
remains to locate the garden shed.

This project does not exclude the possibility of planters on the cross of St Andrew to St Denis Fng school, as requested by several residents.

We also discussed the installation:
œ to a golf ball? (Questions about dimensions)
œ to facilities for children (see new Espace Saint-Lazare),
œ to a fountain, which is sorely lacking in our neighborhood. The water collection point already exists.
· on benches.

The issue of genuine public restroom facility on the sidewalk is repeated. Debate on a partnership with the school?

Gilles Roux contact the elected (Leleux and Fabienne Charlotte Nenner) and Technical Services to expose our ideas and ask to start the dialogue.
3. Various
3.1. Distribution of plants
To renew in 2008 the distribution operation of plants in 2007, it is envisaged to provide the spring tomato plants and vines.
· Gilles Roux contact Bercy whether it is possible to recover vine shoots during pruning.
· Gilles Bayart has contacted his family to recover the branches of "Dattier St Vallier "Nice from the region.
· Emmanuelle Larger pursue the trail of the Butte Bergeyre vines.
· Gilles Roux has many tomato seeds (variety "Heart of Beef, in particular").

3.2. Dissemination of information
· Link to the blog since Peuplade Greening (Emmanuel) and from the District Council website (Bernadette).
4. Next meeting
Monday, November 26, 2007