Saturday, November 3, 2007

What Size Penis Is Unenjoyable

Greening meeting of October 29, 2007 Meeting Summary

Present: Bernadette Le Masne, Gilles Roux, Géraldine Prévot, Stéphane Prévot, Veronique Borde, Gilles Bayart, Pascal Dufour, Emmanuel Larger, Armelle Crépy

1. Planters

Synthesis of previous episodes:
· The AOT (Temporary occupation permit) is granted to an association (no appropriation of public space by individuals). Applicants for a gardener must adhere to it.
· The association responsible for the Gardens and gardening can be PLU's (which is an object), or any other association (around a condominium, for example).
· The association must ensure civil liability.
• The District Council adopted in April 2007 a vow to purchase planters, with the land and plants on its capital budget. • For use
the investment budget for the QC effect of installing planters, it will go through a provider. It is information recently provided by the city, which changes our plans because we thought we do ourselves a low price, with the participation of residents.
° The meeting with the provider took place recently at the town hall and we expect an initial estimate for a gardener to install street of Fidelity. We hope that the whole operation will not exceed € 4000 HT amount beyond which there should be competition several providers.
· During exploratory walks, hundreds of sites in the district were identified and pre-validation by EPB, and DVD. It is urgent to confirm the validation of five or six locations in which people have already placed volunteers in order to sign the first AOT and thus realize the work undertaken on the texts in December 2006.

New members confirmed their interest in the project area and their willingness to participate. They undertake to mobilize neighbors to maintain "their" garden.

A party will be held for the signing of the TOAs of the street of Fidelity.
A new site is proposed and discussed in the Court of La Ferme Saint-Lazare. The group will explore the possibility of an establishment (opening width). A visit

first five or six sites with the DPE (Directorate Clean) and DVD (Directorate of Roads and Transport) is scheduled for Wednesday 31/10 to 13h (by appointment before the bar L'Escalier rue Fbg St Denis).

2. Project rue de Metz

Following a request from the leadership team of the Council of Neighborhood In March 2007, a budget of € 110,000 (for design and production) has been adopted for management of vegetated rue de Metz. It's an investment project is located, funded by the Hotel de Ville and supported by the City of Xth. As has been established by the leadership team of QC with our elected officials, as with any project on our neighborhood, the group will participate in the consultation and be involved from the stage of the study design, development and implementation of the project scheduled for 2008.

The 1st phase is a feasibility study (Budget 11,000 euros). The group Greening and Urban Development Committee-Public land management re-ask a co-responsibility in this study.

Gilles Bayart (architect) proposing a development with arbor covering all sections of the sidewalk north, including existing trees (see picture), lighting beneath the arbor, planter to the wall of the school, and planted wall, trellis for climbing plants.

After further review of the plan provided by the mayor, Gilles Roux (President of City Garden Hand) proposed that integrates the study (as requested CQ) the realization of a shared garden "at length" on the north side of Rue de Metz, around the tree line. The area available is sufficient, and it does not seem to be fair dealer networks in this space. The field is sufficiently sunny.

This could open garden plots involve teaching "open to the public" in relation to school, and plots for residents and neighborhood associations. Many people can take part in the beautification and bio-diversity of their public space.

The shared garden can be realized in the ground in excavation between the trees (and floor)-studies to update, on the sidewalk recently-renovated, or, initially, in the garden in squares, slab, like the "Gardens of stone" to win considerable time and reduce costs considerably. It could thus be opened in the spring.

The garden should include a composting station nearby, with a partnership with the school canteen and shops fruit and vegetables.

Both aspects of the project (planted wall, arbor garden and shared) are compatible and eco-compatible.
remains to locate the garden shed.

This project does not exclude the possibility of planters on the cross of St Andrew to St Denis Fng school, as requested by several residents.

We also discussed the installation:
œ to a golf ball? (Questions about dimensions)
œ to facilities for children (see new Espace Saint-Lazare),
œ to a fountain, which is sorely lacking in our neighborhood. The water collection point already exists.
· on benches.

The issue of genuine public restroom facility on the sidewalk is repeated. Debate on a partnership with the school?

Gilles Roux contact the elected (Leleux and Fabienne Charlotte Nenner) and Technical Services to expose our ideas and ask to start the dialogue.
3. Various
3.1. Distribution of plants
To renew in 2008 the distribution operation of plants in 2007, it is envisaged to provide the spring tomato plants and vines.
· Gilles Roux contact Bercy whether it is possible to recover vine shoots during pruning.
· Gilles Bayart has contacted his family to recover the branches of "Dattier St Vallier "Nice from the region.
· Emmanuelle Larger pursue the trail of the Butte Bergeyre vines.
· Gilles Roux has many tomato seeds (variety "Heart of Beef, in particular").

3.2. Dissemination of information
· Link to the blog since Peuplade Greening (Emmanuel) and from the District Council website (Bernadette).
4. Next meeting
Monday, November 26, 2007


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