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Charter greening space Public Record

Charter revegetation of public space associations by means of planters mobile

PREAMBLE The municipality wants to pursue a policy of comprehensive redevelopment of public spaces in Paris in terms of landscape, architecture, customs and way of life. In this context, several schemes to increase the presence of plants in the city have been gradually defined and implemented: planting additional trees, planters full of earth, planted walls, flowering trees of the feet. To maintain consistency of municipal action in this area and avoid congestion of pedestrian space by new development or street furniture, all new vegetation shall be performed by one of the methods listed above, the conditions of implementation and maintenance are clearly defined. Only if none of these methods of vegetation can not be accepted that the introduction of planters moving up, acquired and maintained by associations, may be considered.
This "Charter of revegetation of public space by means of planters associations mobile" defines the conditions for implementation of these arrangements. This charter reflects the legal norms and procedures of the departments involved in municipal operations with revegetation which private players will come together to ensure the success of these operations. Beyond the prescriber character of this document, emphasis is given to practical recommendations to help organizations wishing to participate in this operation to implement their plans for revegetation in the best conditions on the territory of Paris.
Terms and Legal Framework:
associations are allowed to install planters on some mobile public spaces designed in consultation with municipal services (Department of Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces - Directorate of Roads and Transport) and police authorities. The possibility of implantation will be considered by those services according to local conditions, including the size of the space, type and characteristics of the planter and plantation planned.
regard to occupy a portion of the highway, this facility will also be subject to the issuance of a temporary permission to occupy the public domain by the Directorate of Roads and Transport under the conditions defined by the latter . An example authorization road is annexed to this Charter. It will be renewed under the conditions defined in the authorization road. This authorization is exempt from road rights as stated in the permit road.
Choice planters:
routes and major arteries Parisians can not receive any type of furniture. The planters will be similar in principle to the model annexed to this Charter, and constituted a material colored mineral clay. They are cylindrical or tapered. Their diameters are between 80 and 120 centimeters. Their models and their implementations will be studied on a case by case basis.
3) Selection of plants:
Planters on public roads are subjected to extreme drought, wind, pollution, shadow, air currents, vandalism ... It is therefore necessary to install the plants vigorous and persistent. A table annexed to this Charter offers a selection of plants which can be selected according to their strength and level of development desired.
The plants must be selected and combined to provide, throughout the year, a truly harmonious plant composition.
thorny plants should be avoided as well as with fruits and toxic berries. The proposal
species not listed in the attached table should be submitted to municipal authorities (Service Operations Gardens) which ensure their adaptation to local conditions and safety.
4) The maintenance of furniture and plants:
The association will, at its expense, and under the conditions stated in the permit road, all operations related to the vegetation and its maintenance:
-supply and the laying of the planter,
-supply and installation of the substrate and plants,
-maintenance and repair of the flower-
the horticultural maintenance, cleaning and watering of vegetation
maintenance of the planter
The gardener must be kept in perfect condition, functionally and aesthetically. The Association will repair and interventions where necessary to maintain the integrity of the planter and safety of pedestrians and vehicles as indicated in the authorization road.
products used for surface operations of the gardener (protection against the elements of signs, ...) should be subject to approval by the Department of Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces to verify their compliance with health, safety and environmental friendliness. The horticultural maintenance

Trees or shrubs should be pruned regularly in order to contain development within the envelope of the gardener.
Pesticides and fertilizers can be hazardous to your health, and more for the environment. As such, their use is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to use gentle methods and natural remedies that meet the ecological balance by promoting, example, the existence of predators of pests.
The frequency of watering will be at least once a week in summer and as needed based on selected plants.
Paris City Hall (Garden House) will provide all necessary advice.
Maintaining cleanliness Cleanliness
planters is a key issue. The association must ensure the cleanliness of this facility and intervene as necessary and under the conditions stated in the permit road
5) Signage: A sign
adapted and homogeneous, the gardener will be affixed by the association. It should contain the name and address of the association responsible for the gardener and invite road users to respect this arrangement. It shall indicate whether the funding comes from the neighborhood council
Planter raised and maintained by the association

with permission from the City of Paris.
Financing: XXXXXXXXX
Help beautify your neighborhood
Please respect this space by not placing any rubbish in the garden
6) Other provisions:
Other conditions including the duration, the effective date , assignment, conditions of works, removal, liability, financial arrangements, the rights of third parties, the trial of disputes are set in the permit road.
It is further stated that the association will purchase an insurance policy covering the risks related to the exercise of the authorization has been granted. A copy of this policy will be delivered to the Department Operations Branch Gardens Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces and the Directorate of Roads and Transport
7) Related documents
-Sample Authorization Road
-Examples of planters Plants recommended
8) Signatories:
This charter will be signed by:
A qualified representative of the association
The Borough Mayor (or his representative)
The Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of Environment, Clean , Green Spaces and Waste Treatment, or the Director of Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces.
Any amendment to the Charter will be endorsed by the signatories.
9) Useful numbers:
district ... .. Tel:
Branch Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces Service Operation

Garden District ... ....
Tel. :
House Garden
41 rue Paul Belmondo, Parc de Bercy 75012 Paris
tel: 01 53 46 19 30
Mr. (Madam) President
(e) of the Association of Opinion
Mr. (Madam) Mayor of the Borough

Mr. Yves Contassot
Deputy Mayor of Paris, in charge of Environment,
the Clean, Green Spaces
and Waste Treatment


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