Monday, September 27, 2010

Mi Paste Decalcification

September 26 to October 2, 2010

Sunday, it's not very nice but we did not really want to go out, it will be a short day's rest. I begin with the bath dogs, they too felt the dog. I must use my cans, so I'm making a soup that uses three pulses, it is so robust that it's enough for dinner. Paul is studying software to make videos and I fully a necklace.
Monday, it's not nice, it rains in the late afternoon. We go sailing club store breakable dishes for winter, I like to use it when I'm in Montreal but it's too heavy and fragile to be lugging our journey. We will ship out the liquid until there is a possibility of freezing and I want to clean the fridge, surprise! there was a can of cola flowing through a small hole invisible. We take this opportunity to eat a big meal at the Chinese (table d'hôte) because good Chinese restaurants are rare in É-U. I subscribe to Facebook, I want to visit this site because the wholesaler from whom I buy my beads I recommend it. Out of curiosity, I want a classmate whom I knew in first year of primary school, and I find I can recognize it after all these years, she lives in the United States for thirty years, it's wonderful the Internet . After our return home, I work on a new collar (my friends ask me why I do not necklaces ... ..) and I completely before going to bed, it's great not to fall asleep while watching television.
Tuesday, another day quiet, nothing really special, we'll go shopping at Fairview because Paul needs to replace the razor head. You can find the room and as usual we went around the mall to stretch, no question of taking a walk outside because it's raining. Paul found a box of four films of Marcel Pagnol, he loves these movies and talk on occasion, and we buy back home we listen to Jean de Florette, it takes a few minutes before being comfortable with accent of southern France.
Thursday it rains all day, today we go Langevin & Forest to buy exotic woods in anticipation of the many woodworking projects that E. Paul for Texas (I also suggested smaller projects like adding shelves funny in the trailer). We eat lunch before leaving it worse than yesterday because we had eaten oysters, it will be remains to this afternoon because I want to empty the cans and freezer as much as possible before leaving. The trip to Pie IX is painful, the 40 is blocked from Vaudreuil (there must have been an accident) we opt for Gouin and arrive at destination 90 minutes later. Paul does not find small packages of exotic woods that we had seen last year but we still come away with a nice assortment of beautiful multicolored wood. We return to the caravan to 6: 30pm, thanking heaven for not having to deal with this traffic every day.
Friday, it finally stopped raining, we will be able to stay a bit outside. We have several errands to run and there's the faucet bathroom flowing, Paul had to undo everything and placed the while ensuring that all joints are tight, say that there is little spilled water in the bathroom, but it's a good thing done and he knows how it works now ... much like a sailboat. We collect wood to build some shelves in cabinets of the caravan, now that we live for over two years here, we know where things will remain our shelves and would be helpful. General and small races we go to the sailing club to make things locally and in the boat. We take this opportunity to have lunch at the Four Seasons pizza while I'm washing the laundry room next door.
Saturday shopping day for me and Paul left the caravan to make several small jobs like start to install shelves in the closets, hooray! It will then sail to the club storage in our room. I met Valerie at Fairview, we find his gift for our Christmas party (this is for her boots too) then the races in various grocery stores to make sushi, soup and Chinese food for my brunch tomorrow. Paul goes to his son and keep the kids having fun with small, he loves children so he is always delighted when he keeps. We go to Valerie after shopping, we prepare the sushi and soup and I eat with them, I brought sushi for Paul, the day was fun.


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