Monday, September 13, 2010

Samson R10s Microphone Driver

12 au 18 septembre 2010

Sunday, gray day, we go to a creperie in St. Lambert to celebrate the anniversary of Roxane Letendre. The festival is very nice and I see people with whom I worked at Standard Life. The food is good, we eat potato salad, avocado and walnuts that we love. People around us were sitting were well nice and interesting conversations. Our way of life intrigues many people and Roxane and Michel will visit us soon. We return to the caravan to dinner through Costco.
Monday, it's not nice, lazy day. I pull a sweater mohair blue I started a few years ago and set aside, it is cool and I think it would be useful to the end, nothing warmer and lighter than mohair and also will be knits quickly. Paul on his side chatting around the trailer, it makes a great bike ride to see what happens with the work of Route 30, work is progressing well (not like the small bridge under construction near here). I chats with neighbors as they prepare for the winter caravan, all critical of park management that does not give people the chance to already in place when there is a site of choice is empty, (they still have a beautiful site allocated near the canal, without offering it to those who had made the request). That's it, we keep our current site for next year, it is our neighbor and close the channel leaves this week we have the beautiful view for the time you spend a lot of time camping. It's decided, we do not go to Texas through the western U.S. (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico etc..) Because the temperatures are trrrès cold in November saw the elevation of the places we wanted to visit. We leave in early November and descend via Florida to spend time at Disney World has changed a lot since we went there more than twenty years. We also go to Naples and then we like to Llano Grande in Texas where we will go from Dec. 15 to April 15, our site is already booked.
Tuesday, not very nice and cool in the morning. Paul leaves early because he sees his cardiologist today is one to whom he said he would lose twenty pounds during the year, luckily it did not check her notes and he did not ask if Paul had kept his word. Paul was then dining with Gabrielle at IBM, there are so many people who left that has not met with former colleagues. I'm going to spend some of Joel's day, we're going to restore for lunch and then we'll buy him a Christmas present (winter boots). We return home and she received her Kindles (one each for her and Phil) they will have time to use them before we left and I could see if it's worth it for me. I would buy the U.S. because the shipping is free and no customs fees. We return to the caravan for supper we eat tomatoes from the garden of Trinh and Solange, they are so good.
Wednesday, Paul Alexis Seas will help to put the mast on its support after the trip, we will not re-masting because it is too near the water outlet. I stay here and I'm the creme caramel for Louise and Pierre come supper. Louise arrived early afternoon and we have fun with our beads. She went to stock up and register for a course, I can not wait to see what she will learn. Peter arrives and we begin to prepare the ingredients for making sushi. Louise wanted to do since long and is surprised at how simple it is. We eat a good dinner to enjoy our creations with a bit of Saki. We spent a very pleasant evening and showed the pictures taken during our trip. Unfortunately, Clarisse is not well in our return trip, she tumbled down the stairs of the boat. Following this incident, she did not seem too affected, just a little sensitive about a foot, but today it has mine low and can not touch her belly without an outcry. If tomorrow it does not get better, it will be the vet.
Thursday Fall really happened, it's cold, we leave the small heater to remove moisture in the caravan. Clarissa is not well, she refused to come into the room to sleep, without turning around extend and refuses to eat (our gourmet dining has never refused to date) has a mean appearance, no can not even flatter without it starts to scream. We're going to the vet who examines him, he feels the pull the head and feet and finds nothing special, it does not appear to have herniated disc, this common problem in dachshunds. Clarissa did not even cry when she feels her stomach. Finally, the vet found nothing, she sells three doses of a painkiller and told us to come back for more thorough examination (blood tests, radiography etc.. Clarissa if not better in three days, we leave relieved of $ 90. And once we have at home, miss feels better, it acts normally. ... We must believe that she was traumatized by the bite of Charlotte yesterday. The rest of the day is calm, I am a bracelet and I am looking for jewelry sites on the Internet.
Friday is a beautiful warm day, with Paul Michael Valleyfield will buy a canvas of good quality to cover the boat, it comes from Vietnam, it would be interesting to see how much it would cost purchased directly from the manufacturer via the web, I'll watch. Clarisse is fully recovered, weird. We go sailing club, Paul cleans the dinghy and I'm washing. We try Five Guys restaurant with Peter, and Michel Hugues, + $ 5.50 is expensive and very ordinary, the hamburger buns are soggy as if they were steam heated, probably frozen french fries, we will not return not. Naturally return, he must make a detour to the Dairy Queen (dairy products). Finally in late afternoon the dinghy is stowed for the winter and washes completed. We return to the caravan and were not hungry for supper.
Saturday, it was still very beautiful, I so fiercely with a new bracelet spiral pattern, I think I repeated ten times before you succeed, unfortunately, my choice of stones is not good and I do not continue, it's too big. CNDM we go in the morning and Paul takes the solar panels for storage. We invited Diane to the club restaurant for lunch, she is fit and we spend a good time. We return to the caravan and Jason, our neighbors across the way who are normally never there. They leave tomorrow with their caravan, it will give us a view of the canal.


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