Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Make Stake Rails

10 to 16 October 2010

Sunday, it's not raining, it is for we receive Roxanne and Michael, two friends I've known at Standard Life, they were my friends individually before they get to know and become a couple. They are fun and interesting people who travel a lot and we talk naturally travel and retirement, for them, it will be because they are much younger than us. Time passes too quickly, it was a few years that we had not seen them (except for Roxanne Day last month), it will contact them when we return next year.
Monday, the lazy morning is, we leave around 3pm to go shopping and wear things local. Tonight the eight closed are invited from Jocelyne and Michel for the 5-7, we receive our guests like kings, we are served appetizers varied, pies, salads, canapés with onion confit, stuffed tomatoes and j 'in the process. As if all this were not enough food, we eat cheese fondue. The evening was lively and very enjoyable, we all appreciate these beautiful reunion.
Wednesday it rains all day, unfortunately I hate the weather in autumn. We left the caravan to 6: 15am to go to the dentist, the trip goes well and we arrive a little early. Paul must be replaced a seal and spring with a smile awry, he is relieved it's over for this year. We return home to spend the rest of the afternoon and return to town to attend the book launch Nunavik Farfal which Cecilia has worked for over a year. The book contains stunning aerial photos of the far north. The launch is successful, there are plenty of people and we meet people from CNDM and IBM. The journey takes over two hours, it's amazing how there are closed street these days in downtown, how fortunate not to have to go to work in this mess every day.
Thursday it rains. Paul leaves early because today it takes the sailboat out of water, it remains at the club after to do other work in preparation for winter because you have to put anti freeze in the motor and clean the boat hull. I'm lazy and I stay in the caravan for fun to make necklaces, I was asked why I had made bracelets to date, so here I am party to make necklaces is fun.
Friday he does not look very nice in the morning, while it does not rain, Paul continues waxing the trailer. I'm rationing in cabinets and in my clothes to lighten the caravan as possible, we'll put the rest in the warehouse. Paul for his part, gives four large bags full of clothes he had in his office, it will certainly happy because there were nearly new clothes in there. We'll take a look at the sailing club, there are not many people besides Marcel dismasted. Since we are celebrating the 15th anniversary of our marriage, we decided to go eat good shrimp Old Duluth.
Saturday, finally, it is not raining today. Paul decides to go to the warehouse to get his costume for the party closing the club which is October 30 and will be costumed. He is rummaging the negatives of photos taken when he lived in France, he returned triumphant, he had long sought. Meanwhile, I stay here because I want to cook a bit today. Jocelyn called to ask if we're going to CNDM today, I told him no and I invite them to dinner, anyway I was preparing a duck with orange and creamy caramel. In the afternoon, Paul finished waxing the trailer and was relieved because it is hard work and it must shine, which is not obvious these days. Our guests arrive and we spend a nice evening with them, they want to see photos of New Orleans, they might go there this winter.


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