Monday, October 25, 2010

Famosasmexicana Follando

24 to 30 October 2010

Sunday day a little ugly, winter is here, there is frost on the car. There is no question of staying in the caravan throughout the day although my hobbies keep me occupied. Paul, me and the doggies we need to take to the air and we take the opportunity to shop. So close to our departure, as I buy because I do not want to store before leaving, just to keep the trailer as light as possible. We'll buy vegetables for dinner and poke around a bit at the Canadian Tire (Paul took the opportunity because it lacks what store guy during the winter). Back at the caravan Paul needs to adjust the water pressure flowing too hard is probably why we had problems in the tap of the bathroom sink. The water pressure in a trailer must not exceed 45lbs since the start of the campers, since we are almost alone in using the water pressure is too high and there must be a gizmo to reduce it, now the water barely flows ... you add the pump tank to address (it is never easy). We eat pork chops for dinner with a cider snow that has been offered by friends, it's a nice discovery.
Monday, it's another gray day in autumn, we will do errands in the morning and back to prepare the meal for dinner. We receive and Suzanne Francis, it was time to meet, we love this couple but circumstances have meant that we have hardly had time to talk of the summer. We have reasons to celebrate, Francis is recovering well from surgery and Suzanne retires at the end, what good news! It discusses their possible projects for the coming years, they were shown pictures of Texas to encourage them to come and visit this winter. The evening passes too much glass as we appreciate their company. We wish them both a pension fun and serene.
Tuesday, today we are celebrating an early Christmas with my girls. This year, Joel and Phil we get home, faithful to its current eating habits, she cooking Japanese dishes, chicken wings with sesame, radish salad, apples and walnuts, mesclun salad, both with house dressing, steamed rice dumplings and small steamed pork and shrimp that we stuffed in the afternoon. The meal was delicious, I am pleasantly surprised by the culinary exploits of Joel and Phil. After dinner, we exchange Gift, scarf for Paul, mixing bowls with lids for me (I was looking for last year) and an assortment of beautiful beads for my favorite hobby. We offer winter boots for girls and T-shirts to their friends. There is also the traditional calendar of 365 days photo cats (some years they are dogs) that we offer them every year. We spent a wonderful evening, what good times spent with them before leaving.
Wednesday it is summer is back, what a beautiful day! We will meet at Pizza Four Seasons and Huguette Michel for lunch and I make washes to laundry next door. We are disappointed by the food, this is not the first time, plus their prices are high (I compared with a similar restaurant on Tuesday, they charge at least $ 3. More expensive for a plate-like). We'll eat elsewhere next year. After lunch, we will take a long walk, we must enjoy it because it was so beautiful, it's nice to see the sun shine. I forgot to mention on Monday we booked at Disney World for eight days and seven nights in early November, it will cost us $ 1810.US for 8 days and 7 nights for two people. To this amount we 7 nights in one place "Premium" in the camp located directly on the site so no parking to find and pay, 8 days to Disney World attractions with potential to jump from one park to another, eating out, snack (U.S.) and a cafeteria-style meals per day. It will be a return to childhood for both of us, we went with the children and thousands of years ago we noted that many attractions for adults, we intend to enjoy it.
Thursday, the winter is not back yet, it feels good. In the morning I make a pie crust Key Lime with chocolate to make tonight. We are invited to Micheline and Pierre for dinner and go do a bunch of errands en route. We finally had to change my health insurance system (it's been twelve days since we had requested) Paul can get his medication for the holidays in the south, certainly we will apply the earlier Next year is a bit stressful when you're three days before departure. As elsewhere, claims for drugs are now handled by another firm, which took two days now takes more than a week. ... So this is progress! We go to our friends spend the evening and enjoy a delicious meal prepared by Michelin, as usual we are blessed. When we are not with them issues discussed at four, Paul has too much to share with Peter and me with Micheline, the evening is too short, it goes like lightning, this is what happens when you have a good time .
Friday, we prepare for our departure. Having a trailer is like having a boat, it never ends, there is always something to improve, repair or replace. The water flow goes from the campsite trickle pressure to dumb pipe burst without warning. Paul had installed a pressure reducer which has resulted in reducing the pressure without taking into account the flow at the source, result: it takes three minutes to fill a glass. We are thus looking for a gizmo that adjusts the pressure, Paul found a place called Aqua-pump that sells this stuff at the modest price of $ 100. Thereafter he must find the connectors and adapters that can connect this contraption made pipe from house to garden hoses that feed the trailer. Games mechanic for Paul, who was overjoyed because at the end of the day, everything works and we have a water flow like 45lbs recommended. In the afternoon, we'll have a look at CNDM to pay our annual fee and lunch with wine for our evening tomorrow (we will not be there to receive the invoice) and findings that work to dredge the harbor's prepared, there are several yellow stakes indicating the site to dig. ... Paul returns for taking pictures frozen because it is not warm and windy. In the evening we finish the final touches on our costumes for tomorrow night.
Saturday, winter arrived, it snowed that night, it will teach us to wait so late to leave. This is the annual Oyster Party Paul's family is Christian her son receives at home, Paul is glad to see everyone including her three other children who live in Montreal. I stay here because my costume though ready to be adjusted, I dress as a woman veiled (see photo is me with the beads in the face) I try everything and nothing stays in place: the mainsail slides over my head and the part that covers my face falls around the neck, so I have to be patented and elastic seams to try to make everything stable. Finally once I'm comfortable with the results, I'll join Paul Christian in this gave me the chance Chatting a bit with the family. We put on our costumes, take some pictures and we go sailing club dinner to closing. What a nice surprise, the room was packed, people are well dressed, to wear black ghosts (from Harry Potter) ahead to let us enter. The evening was very successful, the food is good, there's entertainment and prizes, all in settings that had to take dozens of hours to install. We were surprised at how much people had given themselves the trouble to dress up, it was a lovely evening, nice end of our sailing season.


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