Monday, November 1, 2010

How To Hack A Prepaid Sidekick Unlimited

October 31 to November 6, 2010

Sunday is our last day in camp (if all goes as planned). Paul prepares for the caravan's departure, installs it ready to go on the truck and made the usual checks. I'll spend the afternoon with Valerie, we have fun patterns to choose Halloween costumes, our costume party yesterday made me want to make costumes and costume Valerie output each year, she would love to have a better offer. We will search for Won Ton pasta because I do not think it will be easier to find in the U.S. and I would play small pots stickers that Joel has made Tuesday. I come home, Paul went to fetch his tennis racket in her daughter while I was away because he wants to play in Texas (he is braver than me), there are several tennis courts at the park where we go. Upon my return, he removed the plate on the Toyota because it will put away our campground for the winter.
Monday, November 1, very interesting day, today we leave to the south, we must rise a little earlier because we're going to check the wheels and the suspension of the caravan to make sure that everything is rule. The starting procedure is the same as usual, but just to empty the tanks, it is very cold, sewer pipes are new and cool, and thus more rigid, and the fitting on the pipe camping and now stands a flood of black water that spreads across all accompanied by prayers to the saint (and they say we're not religious) which start shit to our day, and more fitting to the tap is frozen, Paul must use the forceps to remove (crap). We go to the garage and the employee offers to return the trailer in the garage, turning in tight parking, it suddenly stops and stands still .... We saw that the caravan (for the third time since we have) shattered the rear window of the truck, (shit), it will therefore go the repair, leaving no question today (shit). For consolation, we decided to go eat at the first harvest during the audit to the garage is closed for renovations (crap). The garage will repair the glass in Lebeau but it will not arrive until 2pm, Paul looks at his watch, the battery is dead (crap), it will have it repaired, you go to Wal-Mart, they do not repair the watch batteries they sold (shit), We go we know the only jeweler in the area, is closed on Mondays (crap). It's lunch time, we will eat at the Grand Café Museum the lunch special at $ 10 is excellent (Bolognese pizza, salad and dessert included). We will spend the rest of the afternoon waiting, finally the glass only happens to 4pm (shit) and we return to take possession of the trailer, here's good news, we had to replace some small parts but the checks and wheels are OK. Back at the campsite because it takes as little as possible, just in case .... and let the rest of the day. We leave tomorrow.
Tuesday he is-2C, but not hot sun. We leave at 7: 51am, the sun is in the game. Slowly the weather warms and we have no problem Waiting at customs or elsewhere. It is gratifying to note that at the end of the day in Pennsylvania, there are leaves on trees everywhere, it's like in early October in Quebec, 7C ... he's good. We follow our GPS tells us that a Wal Mart when we get there is to see that it is a distribution center, it is 4: 30 PM, we are tired and decide to try to establish themselves in bottom of parking, an employee comes to us and informs us that this is not allowed. He returned to try to get us permission to stay. He returned some time later and sheepishly informs us that did not obtain permission, it is very nice and gives us the road to the nearest Wal Mart. Six miles later we installed properly this time at St, Clair, supper at Subway and we are shopping a little because it is a Supercenter with the food market included. Paul tries to capture the Internet and through the new antenna, it receives an excellent network signal of the Home Depot across the antenna of the computer does not even see. He wanted to kiss even the "frencher" but did not find a hole!
Wednesday-4C in the morning, I turn around and I see that Paul was lying with his wool hat, this proves how cold it is. We did not want to run the heating as we do not know if the truck charges the caravan battery despite our request last year for GM to activate. We leave the parking lot of Wal Mart at 6: 40 AM. It is located in the hollow of an old quarry of coal, whose walls are still visible on the upper floors in some places. We are eager to leave these mountains is confident that the altitude makes it make so cold. We're doing good way south and arrive at another Wal Mart in Smithfield NC at about 4 PM, just in time for dinner in a good Chinese buffet recommended by met a lady in the parking lot. People here are so nice, all you say hello with a smile, some even come talk to you. Paul decides to reactivate his cell Net10 last year, the clerk at Wal Mart spends a lot of time on the phone with the helpdesk but useless, Net10 is not effective and exasperated Paul buys a TracPhone, we'll see if it will be better. Nonetheless delighted by the service vendor, he brought the manager and expresses how much he appreciated the excellent service from the seller. The manager was stunned, it's not often she hears positive comments. During this time I stay at the caravan with the dog to realize that lighting gradually darkens, there are small sounding alarms and gas heating coughs. ... more juice in the battery. Is it that GM has not enabled the function to load the battery or the trailer that does not pass the course? It will do tests. So we go back to Wal Mart to buy a new battery. We return to the caravan, hoping it will be less cold during the night.
Thursday, 14 C, it is clear, it is warmer here, so no wool toque. We leave around 8AM and make good route, we arrived in Beaufort to 4PM, En route we have to get petrol and parking we get a call from Chuck that we are invited for dinner tonight. The parking garage is very busy because there are many truck drivers must maneuver and Paul talking on the phone, No good idea, Poof! This is our back window exploded again. Paul told Chuck he recalled, it will contact a specialist who will repair the window hopefully before our departure for Disney. We can not say that the trip this year is boring. We will install at Hunting Island State Park and we love going to dinner with our friends. To hurt, it's raining and our improvised plastic glass breaks, Chuck lends us a tarpaulin to prevent rain from entering the truck. As lives, they are charming and we received like royalty. Claria is the embroidery, she shows Christmas tree ornaments that she embroidered, these are gems that are so delicate that they require a magnifying glass to see the points, it takes all year for manufacture and supply one to every member of his family, what patience and above all talent! After an excellent dinner we return to the campsite which is locked, we have the combination but fail to open, after seeing one of the volunteers of the park, we try to push the lock before shooting and it works beautifully, they could give us this little trick before!
Friday is the real beginning of the holidays, it's nice and soft (+18 C). We take walks and camping on the beach. There is no internet at the campsite so we'll eat a pizza in a local restaurant and enjoy their free WiFi to put the blog updated. We made a visit to the dealer who will repair the window and I stop at TJ Maxx, one of my favorite stores (it's like a Winners). In return we stop in a small fishmonger (Gays), which is on the way to the island where the camp site, they sell beautiful fresh shrimp fished on the coast, of course at dinner we eat with pleasure.
Saturday, sunny day, the morning we will visit the lighthouse there at the end of the island is a good walk and it takes the morning to return, we will walk in Beaufort Paul did finally replace the battery in his watch to the jeweler. brief stop at Dairy Queen to use their WiFi, naturally we can not go without buying ice cream, so you have to sacrifice the owners Pakistanis? are very nice, young lady myself a chocolate and pecans and mix just to see me in my place to see if I like it. Back in my favorite activity, shopping, I saw some beautiful leashes for dogs and I go buy them. For his part, Paul goes to Best Buy, he saw software to make movies here in town but was waiting to buy one, he found the Pinnacle Studio HD for $ 40. It was $ 100 in Montreal, it was worth the wait. They also have a document that compares the different models and manufacturers eBook readers. We will probably buy the Amazon Kindle tomorrow, I want to unpack and store and use their expertise to help me out if I have problems and also use their WiFi to fetch and store books, ca small computer can hold up to 3500 pounds. In return, we stopped at Publix to buy steaks, ribs are at least two inches thick (they are crazy Americans), it makes no sense, you buy another cut that proves just as good.


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