Monday, November 8, 2010

How Long Does Lupus Rash Last

7 to 13 November 2010

Sunday, the little quiet day, it is very nice but cool. In the morning we go to Best Buy to buy the Kindle, I wonder if it is possible to buy the device and load a few pounds before leaving the store, just to make sure I understand how it works. I am told that there no free WiFi, and for $ 30. They'll set it up for me, not offer another solution, this behavior is so different from what we've seen to date in the southern U.S. that I am insulted and I shall give them the box, not question that I buy here, I will go and I probably buy it directly from Amazon via the Internet. In return, we stopped at Dairy Queen to eat a hamburger and sunday and update the blog. Then return to the campsite, we take a long walk on the beach and return to spend the rest of the day playing on our computers, Paul is delighted with his new software because there are a lot of variety in the features available, I am sure he will spend many hours. Before dinner, Kachou barks and growls like a man possessed, we look outside to see four little deer in the field opposite, Paul did not have time to get her camera because the noise irritates dogs animals s it away quickly.
Monday, last day in Beaufort, it is softer. Paul will do in the morning to replace the glass and I'll take a walk on the beach with the dogs, the tide is so high that there is no almost no space to move on the sand what a difference when the tide is low. Paul returns three hours later, the glass is still installed, by cons, it comes with a smoked plexiglass window and we install it without problem. We will join Chuck and Claria home before dinner and we visit them FROG (free room over garage) which is a nice apartment, very well are set up to receive their relatives and friends. Dinner is eaten in a nice little Thai restaurant, the food is excellent and very pleasant company, it is certain that there are excellent restaurants throughout the United States but must find them.
Tuesday we leave to Orlando to 8am, while driving the temperature rises to 27C, not bad ... we still notice an improvement every time we arrive in Florida. We arrived at 4pm to Disney, it's still hot, it is too late to go for a walk in a park but we visit a little campsite is full, there are plenty of large motor here. For dinner, we go into the restaurant in Hotel Whispering Canyon Wilderness Lodge. The restaurant is filled with children and amuse the servers during the meal, we mean "Ketchup" shouted kills head and children of all tables rushed shouting with their bottle of ketchup to the table from which came the cry, it's fun to see them, I wondered why a table had a dozen bottles of ketchup .... I realized. We settled at a table near a gas fireplace with a fence wearing a cowboy, the cowboy and Indian theme is reflected throughout the hotel and the structure is made of round wood is very beautiful and impressive because the lobby is several stories high. Our package includes 14 meals with service, 14 meals cafeteria, and many snack foods, the scheme will be next Monday. We eat our meal including soft drink and dessert, choose a western-style meals (roast chicken, ribs, Pulled pork, brisket, baked beans, mashed potatoes with corned beef, all served in a skillet with a small iron corn bread), it is certain that I do not eat half the meal and I brought the chicken to my dog and bun for lunch tomorrow because it is very good, my mousse dessert is fruit without added sugar (I'm proud of myself) because it There was a decadent chocolate cake. Paul is much wiser, he eats the trout (2) on a bed of salad (the hell with the system) a cheesecake. To move we took a small boat which shuttles between several parks, but it's fun to return there is really not hot and we have no plans to cloak, so you have to stick ... it's fun, it's a real holiday, no meal to prepare!
Tuesday we decided to spend the day at Epcot, it is very nice and warm. There are several parks to visit as we do not know Hollywood Studios, Downtown Disney and Animal Kingdon, I do not know if we'll have time to visit everything this week. We will in many beautiful pavilions: France, Canada and trying attractions like Test Track (simulation test as GM on its cars, it was rode at breakneck speed) space mission (a simulated trip to Mars) that failed for us, they had to stop the machine and get us out apologetically. We stopped for lunch in the French flag, which has a restaurant that copies the bistros in Paris, Paul loved his salmon but my braised beef bathed in fat. Back to 4PM to deal with dogs who quietly remained in the caravan. We come out to dinner and go into the hotel for dinner Contemporary style cafeteria again using small boats shuttle. The food is not bad, but the dessert is too sweet (even for me) a cup cake with frosting and more syrup on the inside, we could not eat them.
Wednesday, another beautiful sunny day. The night was not funny, my liver, I had a fit, telling me that the beef was really too fat for lunch and Paul also has been advised by his stomach. ... That's what happens when abused the good things. We returned to Epcot because we have not yet managed to visit half of the site. To get there, we use the small boat and monorail, this gives us an aerial view various hotels in the complex. We visit China, Norway and the aquarium, Nemo and Mexico with the Kodak Imagination pavilion. At this time of year, there is a fair wine and food from several countries and we have discovered what they call snacks in the meal program, not just chips, chocolate and soft drinks, we are entitled to ice cream (see photo), kebabs purchased in the small kiosk Argentina, a tart with almonds, fresh fruit salad and cake Danish flag of Norway, I'm just a part of the pie for supper it's more than enough after the horn this afternoon. We noticed that many people only buy small snacks for lunch. We return late afternoon and stay at the caravan at night, no question of returning supper outside.
Thursday it was still sunny and hot, we leave to go to Epcot to finish the attractions we have not had the chance to visit again. We use the bus for the trip, there are those who lead us to all the parks, in addition to the monorail and small boats. Arrived at the terminal, the first bus that comes is going to Disney Hollywood Studios, we decide to change our plan and there go today, we'll go another day at Epcot. This park is like Epcot, there are rides, we try the Rock & Roll Coaster (hold the head well supported), we visit the studios and watch the seamstresses who produce the costumes for the park. Everywhere there are settings that simulate the streets of big cities like New York and San Francisco, it's fun to see how it's done. We ate lunch at Mama Melrose's Ristorante Italiano, Paul mage a steak of tuna with mango salsa and me a good steak, all crowned by a crystal tiramisu for me and a Cheesecake amades for Paul ... the scheme will for next week. After visiting the Indiana Jones stunt show, seen a bit of Narnia movie, listened to the sound effects in a theater (it recalled the radio of my youth), visited the pavilion dedicated to the life of Walt Disney and we have not seen half the things to see here. We return to the trailer and walk the dogs in the dog park, we meet a couple with three scottish terriers, one of them has four years and has a tooth in his mouth, he was allergic to her own teeth, it took them out ... weird. I'll get dinner and wait half an hour to receive my order this is the first time I see something that is not super-effective here.
Saturday, he is always so beautiful, we're lucky. Back to Epcot, it is the weekend and everyone is there, finished almost immediate entry into the attractions, we must now stand quietly in line until 40 minutes, there is the possibility of taking that Fastpass you back at a specified time and before the others, they are available for those who live in hotels and camping. Soarin we visit which is very fun because it feels like to fly above the landscape with a feeling of movement, wind in the face and smell is one of the shows to see. We choose the Japan Pavilion for lunch, eating Japanese-style steakhouse with chef's fun, the food is good, although very hearty, steak and shrimp for me and swordfish steak for Paul, with dessert, of course . To our luck, we visit during the fair greedy, we visit the pavilion dedicated to demonstrations and course leaders in the sale of articles related to this event, I buy a T-shirt fun. We're also the flag of Japan, Paul also bought a T-shirt, one with Japanese characters, a nice (and pretty) Japanese wrote him a note with the characters meaning. We are witnessing a performance of Japanese drumming and we visit a riding tour on energy with the earth since its beginning with dinosaurs etc.. That's all for Epcot, we have almost everything and there is still visited three parks that we have not seen (we keep a little for next year) because it is very likely that we will return.


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