Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Trade Pokemon On Emulator For Mac

November 28 to December 4, 2010

Sunday, it's nice but a bit cooler, we spend the morning in the caravan and after lunch, we will a bike ride at The Home Depot and the little flea market on the corner. I found a beach bag with stylized drawings of dachshunds, long I want to buy one of these bags by Laurel Burch who are very particular with their drawings of cats, dogs and horses (I bought one of his horses to do with tissue a jacket last year, this will be my sewing project this winter in Texas) In return, we'll go to the pool a few hours because it is very nice, I play with my Kindle which I already stored ten books, it's very handy to carry around. I make sushi with smoked salmon for supper.
Monday, it's nice and warm. The forecast of unseasonably cold weather in a few days then we go to the beach while he is still hot. We go to the State Park because we can bring the dogs in the section where there are picnic tables. Paul surprises me because he brought a book on the career of Dominic Manu Life and the bed is the second book in fifteen years ... .. it is certain that the topic of great interest. We stay a few hours on this beautiful beach and back home for supper.
Tuesday he is still very good so we decided try the beach at Lovers Key dogs. It's a lovely beach near an inlet where we can let the dogs loose. We will settle for a few hours because the sun is shining and the dogs give us an amusing sight. Bands running around and bickering in the water. Ours, by cons, remain glued to our chairs, they think they are watchdogs and bark when other dogs approach (not very sociable). We return to the caravan for supper, a steak over an inch thick that we share, I can not imagine how a person can eat a whole.
Wednesday, first day of December and it seems it is much cooler, no way out without a jacket. A chance that we went to the beach because we risk not to return before leaving Florida if you listen to the weather. I do the washing in the morning, they have a smart card system to operate machines, such as apartment buildings, we must contribute $ 3to purchase the card (not refundable) before they can fill it with money washes. We decided to go for a walk at Miromar Outlet Mall is nearby, is great and we spend the afternoon poking me in shops, walking the dogs Paul and chats with the lovely ladies who are adorable dogs, everyone is happy. We do some shopping and stopped at Pizza Hut for dinner, we like their pizza but have the impression that these restaurants are struggling in the U.S. because some of them are gone or closed.
Thursday he still 9C, far too cold for the beach. We leave with the intention of going for a walk on 5th Avenue (main street) of Naples. Going, we stop at Costco to buy 4 different DVDs Cirque du Soleil that sell for $ 6.50 each, I had seen during our last visit. We have already Allegria we like to watch. Once there, you let the readers draw by Blue Ray device that would replace our home theater / DVD player (unnamed) who has a rotten radio reception. We watch their devices, then we will see at Best Buy next to compare models and prices. However, it should see what we have at home before deciding .... After all these steps, it is too late to go downtown, it will be for another time. That's it, I found the Christmas gift from Paul (he never does anything). Costco, he stayed off before a box containing all dvd National Geographic magazine since 1888, it will not be a surprise, but at least I know he will appreciate his gift.
Friday, a day to have fun. We return at Costco and Best Buy to buy a DVD player Blu-Ray. Since the unit home theater we have in the house is ugly and has a very poor radio reception, we decided to make a Christmas gift, we buy a Sony receiver with very good quality on which we can all connect (it has so many features it will take many hours of reading to fully understand). We also buy a device Playback of Blu-ray, Sony also, both were seriously depleted and are compatible for the 3D and WiFi (we must learn how to use the WiFi on these devices) Paul installs everything, the receiver is too thick and it must cut a piece of our furniture to bring. Yesterday we met with a new neighbor Quebec, Jean-Pierre, very nice, Paul borrows a small saw and soon everything is installed and we look Avatar Blu-Ray, what superb film, color and special effects are breathtaking.
Saturday, it is very nice but cool, no beach or pool. We rub the inside the caravan in the morning and then in the afternoon, we will see to buy a speaker woofer for our new sound system, they are too big for the space and too expensive $ 400. we'll keep the one we have currently. After we return to the Outlet mall because I saw bargains in shoes and I want to enjoy it. Back home for dinner and after we look at the end of the film Avatar, a long time ago that I have not seen a movie that I was also pleased, I must say that the vegetation for the night shines in my favorite colors I am sure I will want to watch it again.


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