Monday, November 22, 2010

Robb White Deathwatch Summary Of Chapter 1 And 2

21 to 27 November 2010

Sunday he is not very good, we return to the Sawgrass Mills mall and buy the Cuisinart waffle maker saw yesterday, that I bought at $ 10. do not waffle grill evenly and I do not like it. We will also at Best Buy and buy the Kindle that will be my Christmas present to return, we invite Michael and Louise to take a drink, they come with a New Beaujelais and a nice poinsettia, it will have fond memories of them for the rest of our vacation. Louise is an angelic patience because it helped save my Kindle (not so easy using the mini keyboard small device), finally we finish recording and buy books from Amazon, they have downloaded in the blink of an eye, I went on Amazon with my computer, I chose books to $ 0.00 (just in case) and poof! I look on the Kindle and immediately after the books are all there .... Wonder what this technology!

Monday, it's fine, we take the opportunity to spend a few hours at the beach. We invited our friends for dinner, it will be a dinner of waffles, cheese and chives for the meal for dessert apples and walnuts and pecans in another, all washed down with pink champagne, they were all good, I now have three recipes to use with my waffle iron. We spend quality time with our friends but unfortunately our last day here, we will certainly miss their company in the months ahead.

Tuesday we leave Fort Lauderdale at 8: 15am, after greeting our nice friends one last time because they will stay here a little and then spend a month in the Florida Keys, we hope that their road will lead to the Llano Grande this winter. It was still sunny and warm but not enough to release the alligators, we use the road named Alligator Alley to move east west of the Florida and arrive at Camping Imperial Bonita Estates Bonita Springs (just north of Naples) to 10: 15am, the journey is going well, we even stopped to see the birds in a rest area . The site is well, and the warm reception we have a beautiful setting surrounded by empty sites. Paul contacted his friend Dominique hope that we see during our stay, my chance for his wife Pearl is lovely and we always happy to see it too. We leave in a truck making a turn in the corner to identify the locations visited last year and where do our market. I'm lazy tonight and we will eat in a small Chinese restaurant specializing in controls to bring the food is good and prepared on demand, so no heated. People are kind of camping, all say hello and a couple from Quebec come chat with us, they have a home park here in recent years. The more we travel the more we install in a new location becomes easy, you feel at home in minutes.

Wednesday, another hot day, it's 29C, the air conditioning is helpful. This is the day to replace the glass of the truck and the trailer tires, so everything is cheaper here, the glass costs $ 200. less than Quebec, installation takes only an hour, no interminable wait. In return, we stop at Costco just to browse a bit, I buy beautiful artichokes. There are many people in the stores as they prepare for their Thanksgiving is tomorrow.
Thursday we were planning to go to the beach or pool but the weather is not favorable, although it is very hot, there are too many clouds. We decide to clean the inside of the truck at the bottom and stay in the camper shampoo left the seats wet. We go around the bike and camping with placotons Quebecers that we met on our arrival here. They explain the operation of park properties, if you buy a home park $ 50,000 - $ 60,000, you buy a share of land in the park (it's run like a cooperative) and for them it costs them less - $ 300. per month for pool maintenance, public places, grass etc.., electricity, cable-TV, internet and phone included. Camping fees for visitors like us, used to cover a good portion of those costs which reduces the owners. Since it is Thanksgiving Day here is quiet in Park, some shops are closed and the new one shows the queues of people who want to profit from sales of Black Friday tomorrow, some are in tents since yesterday.
Friday he is not very beautiful because it's warm but cloudy. We decide to go to the flea market in Fort Myers Fleamaster. I remember having bought s small plates tapas last year and I left them on the boat, I'll go buy me some for the trailer and little tricks that are much cheaper here in Quebec (I checked). We buy fruit from merchants to outside and eat a Mexican meal with full glass of lemonade, the food is good and healthy not too oily. We return to the caravan early in the afternoon and will be back in the pool. Paul needs to move so he goes to the supermarket by bicycle buy radishes (no it is not yet finished its crisis radish) we eat a little supper of tomato, feta and olives.

Saturday, it's nice and we remain quietly at home during the morning to make big lazy, it's nice to vegetate from time to time. After lunch, we go to Dominic Pearl and spend the afternoon, it's fun to see how easily the two men found their camaraderie youth including jokes and teasing each other. I spend quality time with Pearl with whom I get along very well. We met their son, daughter and grand son who is here on vacation for a few weeks. In the evening we'll have supper in a restaurant in the complex where they live, it is located on the Gulf of Mexico and we enjoy a beautiful sunset over a delicious dinner in good company. We plan to find ourselves again before leaving for Texas.


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