Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Trade Pokemon On Emulator For Mac

November 28 to December 4, 2010

Sunday, it's nice but a bit cooler, we spend the morning in the caravan and after lunch, we will a bike ride at The Home Depot and the little flea market on the corner. I found a beach bag with stylized drawings of dachshunds, long I want to buy one of these bags by Laurel Burch who are very particular with their drawings of cats, dogs and horses (I bought one of his horses to do with tissue a jacket last year, this will be my sewing project this winter in Texas) In return, we'll go to the pool a few hours because it is very nice, I play with my Kindle which I already stored ten books, it's very handy to carry around. I make sushi with smoked salmon for supper.
Monday, it's nice and warm. The forecast of unseasonably cold weather in a few days then we go to the beach while he is still hot. We go to the State Park because we can bring the dogs in the section where there are picnic tables. Paul surprises me because he brought a book on the career of Dominic Manu Life and the bed is the second book in fifteen years ... .. it is certain that the topic of great interest. We stay a few hours on this beautiful beach and back home for supper.
Tuesday he is still very good so we decided try the beach at Lovers Key dogs. It's a lovely beach near an inlet where we can let the dogs loose. We will settle for a few hours because the sun is shining and the dogs give us an amusing sight. Bands running around and bickering in the water. Ours, by cons, remain glued to our chairs, they think they are watchdogs and bark when other dogs approach (not very sociable). We return to the caravan for supper, a steak over an inch thick that we share, I can not imagine how a person can eat a whole.
Wednesday, first day of December and it seems it is much cooler, no way out without a jacket. A chance that we went to the beach because we risk not to return before leaving Florida if you listen to the weather. I do the washing in the morning, they have a smart card system to operate machines, such as apartment buildings, we must contribute $ 3to purchase the card (not refundable) before they can fill it with money washes. We decided to go for a walk at Miromar Outlet Mall is nearby, is great and we spend the afternoon poking me in shops, walking the dogs Paul and chats with the lovely ladies who are adorable dogs, everyone is happy. We do some shopping and stopped at Pizza Hut for dinner, we like their pizza but have the impression that these restaurants are struggling in the U.S. because some of them are gone or closed.
Thursday he still 9C, far too cold for the beach. We leave with the intention of going for a walk on 5th Avenue (main street) of Naples. Going, we stop at Costco to buy 4 different DVDs Cirque du Soleil that sell for $ 6.50 each, I had seen during our last visit. We have already Allegria we like to watch. Once there, you let the readers draw by Blue Ray device that would replace our home theater / DVD player (unnamed) who has a rotten radio reception. We watch their devices, then we will see at Best Buy next to compare models and prices. However, it should see what we have at home before deciding .... After all these steps, it is too late to go downtown, it will be for another time. That's it, I found the Christmas gift from Paul (he never does anything). Costco, he stayed off before a box containing all dvd National Geographic magazine since 1888, it will not be a surprise, but at least I know he will appreciate his gift.
Friday, a day to have fun. We return at Costco and Best Buy to buy a DVD player Blu-Ray. Since the unit home theater we have in the house is ugly and has a very poor radio reception, we decided to make a Christmas gift, we buy a Sony receiver with very good quality on which we can all connect (it has so many features it will take many hours of reading to fully understand). We also buy a device Playback of Blu-ray, Sony also, both were seriously depleted and are compatible for the 3D and WiFi (we must learn how to use the WiFi on these devices) Paul installs everything, the receiver is too thick and it must cut a piece of our furniture to bring. Yesterday we met with a new neighbor Quebec, Jean-Pierre, very nice, Paul borrows a small saw and soon everything is installed and we look Avatar Blu-Ray, what superb film, color and special effects are breathtaking.
Saturday, it is very nice but cool, no beach or pool. We rub the inside the caravan in the morning and then in the afternoon, we will see to buy a speaker woofer for our new sound system, they are too big for the space and too expensive $ 400. we'll keep the one we have currently. After we return to the Outlet mall because I saw bargains in shoes and I want to enjoy it. Back home for dinner and after we look at the end of the film Avatar, a long time ago that I have not seen a movie that I was also pleased, I must say that the vegetation for the night shines in my favorite colors I am sure I will want to watch it again.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Robb White Deathwatch Summary Of Chapter 1 And 2

21 to 27 November 2010

Sunday he is not very good, we return to the Sawgrass Mills mall and buy the Cuisinart waffle maker saw yesterday, that I bought at $ 10. do not waffle grill evenly and I do not like it. We will also at Best Buy and buy the Kindle that will be my Christmas present to return, we invite Michael and Louise to take a drink, they come with a New Beaujelais and a nice poinsettia, it will have fond memories of them for the rest of our vacation. Louise is an angelic patience because it helped save my Kindle (not so easy using the mini keyboard small device), finally we finish recording and buy books from Amazon, they have downloaded in the blink of an eye, I went on Amazon with my computer, I chose books to $ 0.00 (just in case) and poof! I look on the Kindle and immediately after the books are all there .... Wonder what this technology!

Monday, it's fine, we take the opportunity to spend a few hours at the beach. We invited our friends for dinner, it will be a dinner of waffles, cheese and chives for the meal for dessert apples and walnuts and pecans in another, all washed down with pink champagne, they were all good, I now have three recipes to use with my waffle iron. We spend quality time with our friends but unfortunately our last day here, we will certainly miss their company in the months ahead.

Tuesday we leave Fort Lauderdale at 8: 15am, after greeting our nice friends one last time because they will stay here a little and then spend a month in the Florida Keys, we hope that their road will lead to the Llano Grande this winter. It was still sunny and warm but not enough to release the alligators, we use the road named Alligator Alley to move east west of the Florida and arrive at Camping Imperial Bonita Estates Bonita Springs (just north of Naples) to 10: 15am, the journey is going well, we even stopped to see the birds in a rest area . The site is well, and the warm reception we have a beautiful setting surrounded by empty sites. Paul contacted his friend Dominique hope that we see during our stay, my chance for his wife Pearl is lovely and we always happy to see it too. We leave in a truck making a turn in the corner to identify the locations visited last year and where do our market. I'm lazy tonight and we will eat in a small Chinese restaurant specializing in controls to bring the food is good and prepared on demand, so no heated. People are kind of camping, all say hello and a couple from Quebec come chat with us, they have a home park here in recent years. The more we travel the more we install in a new location becomes easy, you feel at home in minutes.

Wednesday, another hot day, it's 29C, the air conditioning is helpful. This is the day to replace the glass of the truck and the trailer tires, so everything is cheaper here, the glass costs $ 200. less than Quebec, installation takes only an hour, no interminable wait. In return, we stop at Costco just to browse a bit, I buy beautiful artichokes. There are many people in the stores as they prepare for their Thanksgiving is tomorrow.
Thursday we were planning to go to the beach or pool but the weather is not favorable, although it is very hot, there are too many clouds. We decide to clean the inside of the truck at the bottom and stay in the camper shampoo left the seats wet. We go around the bike and camping with placotons Quebecers that we met on our arrival here. They explain the operation of park properties, if you buy a home park $ 50,000 - $ 60,000, you buy a share of land in the park (it's run like a cooperative) and for them it costs them less - $ 300. per month for pool maintenance, public places, grass etc.., electricity, cable-TV, internet and phone included. Camping fees for visitors like us, used to cover a good portion of those costs which reduces the owners. Since it is Thanksgiving Day here is quiet in Park, some shops are closed and the new one shows the queues of people who want to profit from sales of Black Friday tomorrow, some are in tents since yesterday.
Friday he is not very beautiful because it's warm but cloudy. We decide to go to the flea market in Fort Myers Fleamaster. I remember having bought s small plates tapas last year and I left them on the boat, I'll go buy me some for the trailer and little tricks that are much cheaper here in Quebec (I checked). We buy fruit from merchants to outside and eat a Mexican meal with full glass of lemonade, the food is good and healthy not too oily. We return to the caravan early in the afternoon and will be back in the pool. Paul needs to move so he goes to the supermarket by bicycle buy radishes (no it is not yet finished its crisis radish) we eat a little supper of tomato, feta and olives.

Saturday, it's nice and we remain quietly at home during the morning to make big lazy, it's nice to vegetate from time to time. After lunch, we go to Dominic Pearl and spend the afternoon, it's fun to see how easily the two men found their camaraderie youth including jokes and teasing each other. I spend quality time with Pearl with whom I get along very well. We met their son, daughter and grand son who is here on vacation for a few weeks. In the evening we'll have supper in a restaurant in the complex where they live, it is located on the Gulf of Mexico and we enjoy a beautiful sunset over a delicious dinner in good company. We plan to find ourselves again before leaving for Texas.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Deposit On Car Receipt

14 to 20 November 2010

Sunday is still the crowd, many families come for the weekend. We decide to go to Magic Kingdom Park again this surreal that we both visited when the children were young, what fun! Disney's dream is still alive, you get splashed in Splash Mountain, shake in a small train on Thunder Mountain and even spit in the back by a golden camel near Aladdin game (I am lucky). The park is always renewed, we visited the pirates and they loved the character who is captain in the film Pirates of the Caribbean. They along with other attractions that are under construction. People come here regularly, they wear ribbons around the neck with dozens of commemorative pins, I wanted buy one as big as a dollar as a souvenir, $ 13. No question that I pay that price. Much of children dressed as princess, pirate, mermaid etc.. the price is stunning costumes, dress and accessories worth around $ 100. if there is a recession in the U.S. is certainly not visible here, the campground is full and the parks too, I do not want to come here in summer when young people are on vacation, it must be suffocating. During our walk, I want to take a turn in the beautiful carousel who always have everything new. In the evening we go to dinner theater Hoop-Dee-Doo, once again, it's American food: cornbread, ribs, fried chicken, strawberry shortcake on an industrial scale with sour wine included (I took a picture Paul with his assessment of this wine, but do not expect success ... shame). The show is fun, we go back to the caravan exhausted from our day.
Monday, another beautiful day and the last at Disney World. This time we'll visit Animal Kingdom, like other parks, it takes more than one day visit if one wants to see everything. We're lucky, it is less crowded than yesterday and we can easily access the shows from The Lion King (circus) and birds in flight, both are interesting and fun for both adults and children. We take the short trip Safari and visit the hospital / laboratory animals in the park. Lunch is eaten in a restaurant decorated in Asian, Paul is wise: Mahi-Mahi and sorbets for dessert, for me, shrimp tempura (batter tempura was not really) but it was still good and pie Mango, I'll try to find the recipe it is delicious. We return to the caravan to walk the doggies and return one last time at the Contemporary hotel to finish the meal used in our package, it pays huge sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. We now understand why people come here many times, we had a great time, atmosphere and cheerful and positive, people who work here seem happy to be there and are generally pleasant. So it will come back to see the parks unvisited and complement those we have already seen. Disney's dream was to make a playground for both parents and the children came true. Now, start the diet, that's so funny ...
Tuesday, another great day, it is 29C, it is from air conditioning in the truck and we arrived at our new campsite. The trip goes well, we arrive at the Yacht Haven in Fort Lauderdale at about 3 PM, friends, Louise and Michael are waiting for us and a great pleasure to see them again, camping at this time of year is almost empty and we are located right next to them. The installation of the caravan takes a little longer than expected, we have two hoses that enter the water at the caravan, for the reservoir drinking water, the other to clean the black water tank, I'll leave it up to guess what happened when the wrong valve is activated. ... m .... Once everything is paid off, rinsed, washed ... my bathroom has never been so clean. To make us forget this little inconvenience, we are invited to our friends for drinks and also a delicious dinner in good company.
Small quiet day, we go to Wal-Mart to buy minutes for our cell is dry and take the opportunity to make a small market. In return Paul delves into the great storage below the trailer and realized that the black water has made its way, a large plastic tub is a quarter full. must therefore empty and wash or dispose of its contents, this unpleasant work occupies a large part of the afternoon. We are guests at Louise and Michel for a drink and they present the Jacques and Muriel sister Louise and brother who live in Fort Lauderdale as well. Generous as they are, they invite us to stay and eat pizza, we offer them a bottle of Lambrusco that the Roman drink with pizza after Guy's brother Paul. We spend a pleasant evening in their company.
Thursday little run to the grocery store the morning I leave and return with Louise Muriel to join her, they have a very nice condo near the beach. We leave all three to go do some shopping, this is our outlet for girls. Center Festival, where we will be like a flea market chic, not used goods, rows of small shops of all kinds, we find all three of us and other clothing suitable for very good prices. We find our men at Panera and ate our salads and sandwiches, the men on one side of the other girls. I managed Contact Renee, my girlfriend first-year primary, and we will meet this Saturday, she is kind and has joined us halfway in Vero Beach, I can not wait to see her. That evening, we receive and Louise Michel for dinner, we spend a lovely evening in their company.
Friday, wash day, everything passes, clothing, caravan and even dogs. After lunch, we decided to go for a walk along the beach, a short sale and there are not many people but it is a beautiful beach. We take a long walk with the dogs and return quietly to the camp, returning, I want a store that I saw yesterday, but I miss it, we probably have passed and I have not noticed ... okay. For dinner, we eat good homemade burgers.
Saturday, it was still sunny and warm. We left around 9am and go to Outlet Center in Vero Beach to meet Renee, my friend first year. What a great reunion, I know it always is so nice to see her and her husband Robert is quite charming. We'll take a small meal at Cracker Barrel and take the opportunity to do some catching up on important events of our respective lives. Too bad they are so far from us, we could have spent many hours together to rediscover, I understand why she was my friend when we had six years, people are still basically the same. Their company was very pleasant, we hope to see them again someday. After the meeting, I want to tour the downtown shops. ... I never buy anything ... weird, I do not have to be in good shape. In return, we stop seeing the Sawgrass Mills mall which is huge, it gives the impression of having several centers in a conglomerate, we visit the store Brandsmart I heard about Louise is Wallmart the electrical and electronics, we could spend hours there, I notice a Cuisinart Waffle Maker is $ 30. it sells at least twice here. Paul is hungry, we go for dinner but we will return tomorrow to tour the center.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Popping An External Hemorrhoid

Andy WARHOL à l'Escaladieu

America landed in the depths of France, at the foot of the Pyrenees, Pic du Midi view, in the Valley baronies [Hautes-Pyrenees (65)] will be enhanced by this huge event which takes place in Escaladieu in the XIIth century Cistercian abbey located in the town of Bonnemazon . aspx? PubliId = 1463

At the initiative of Slovak Presov, whose family is originally an American artist from Pittsburgh, the key to any Andy Warhol
which the world knows major works such as his portraits of Marilyn, including the major fact is the presence of a stray bullet (that has followed him throughout his life) that crossed canvas, thanks so

the Museum of Modern Art Andy Warhol Medzilaborce,
54 original serigraphs on paper helps identify the Pop Art icon

- Portraits

- From Consumer

- objects and documents personal - Christian Byzantine icons
original (not insignificant role in the achievements of the famous series of portraits)

- An excellent documentary video describing the main steps and meetings of his life.

In parallel, Slovak artists (D. BROGYANYI, M. Kudla, R. REPICKY)
and Pyrenees (N. Fournillier Mr. LEDOGAR, M. Maurer, P. MONNERAUD) strongly inspired by AW exposed

A anecdote during our visit, which made the school visit in the hectic (we can believe in the Silver Factory) has been mastered by the intervention of a contractual CG65 who took things in hand (instead of completely overwhelmed the teacher) and demonstrated knowledge and pedagogy in the Hall of Byzantine iconography (awards to his attention)

A word about the place of the exhibition: abbey Cistercian Escaladieu

After an initial installation on the slopes of the Tourmalet in 1142 the monks choose their final location in the valley Arros more hospitable (with trout and eels). Construction of Abbey Escaladieu completed in 1160.
Very successful from the twelfth to fourteenth century the abbey was the burial place of the counts of Bigorre. It was a stop on the Santiago pilgrimage. Its architecture and outdoor spaces are witnessing today the severity of Cistercian art maintainable.
Summer many events (speech and cultural) occupy the premises.

Monday, November 8, 2010

How Long Does Lupus Rash Last

7 to 13 November 2010

Sunday, the little quiet day, it is very nice but cool. In the morning we go to Best Buy to buy the Kindle, I wonder if it is possible to buy the device and load a few pounds before leaving the store, just to make sure I understand how it works. I am told that there no free WiFi, and for $ 30. They'll set it up for me, not offer another solution, this behavior is so different from what we've seen to date in the southern U.S. that I am insulted and I shall give them the box, not question that I buy here, I will go and I probably buy it directly from Amazon via the Internet. In return, we stopped at Dairy Queen to eat a hamburger and sunday and update the blog. Then return to the campsite, we take a long walk on the beach and return to spend the rest of the day playing on our computers, Paul is delighted with his new software because there are a lot of variety in the features available, I am sure he will spend many hours. Before dinner, Kachou barks and growls like a man possessed, we look outside to see four little deer in the field opposite, Paul did not have time to get her camera because the noise irritates dogs animals s it away quickly.
Monday, last day in Beaufort, it is softer. Paul will do in the morning to replace the glass and I'll take a walk on the beach with the dogs, the tide is so high that there is no almost no space to move on the sand what a difference when the tide is low. Paul returns three hours later, the glass is still installed, by cons, it comes with a smoked plexiglass window and we install it without problem. We will join Chuck and Claria home before dinner and we visit them FROG (free room over garage) which is a nice apartment, very well are set up to receive their relatives and friends. Dinner is eaten in a nice little Thai restaurant, the food is excellent and very pleasant company, it is certain that there are excellent restaurants throughout the United States but must find them.
Tuesday we leave to Orlando to 8am, while driving the temperature rises to 27C, not bad ... we still notice an improvement every time we arrive in Florida. We arrived at 4pm to Disney, it's still hot, it is too late to go for a walk in a park but we visit a little campsite is full, there are plenty of large motor here. For dinner, we go into the restaurant in Hotel Whispering Canyon Wilderness Lodge. The restaurant is filled with children and amuse the servers during the meal, we mean "Ketchup" shouted kills head and children of all tables rushed shouting with their bottle of ketchup to the table from which came the cry, it's fun to see them, I wondered why a table had a dozen bottles of ketchup .... I realized. We settled at a table near a gas fireplace with a fence wearing a cowboy, the cowboy and Indian theme is reflected throughout the hotel and the structure is made of round wood is very beautiful and impressive because the lobby is several stories high. Our package includes 14 meals with service, 14 meals cafeteria, and many snack foods, the scheme will be next Monday. We eat our meal including soft drink and dessert, choose a western-style meals (roast chicken, ribs, Pulled pork, brisket, baked beans, mashed potatoes with corned beef, all served in a skillet with a small iron corn bread), it is certain that I do not eat half the meal and I brought the chicken to my dog and bun for lunch tomorrow because it is very good, my mousse dessert is fruit without added sugar (I'm proud of myself) because it There was a decadent chocolate cake. Paul is much wiser, he eats the trout (2) on a bed of salad (the hell with the system) a cheesecake. To move we took a small boat which shuttles between several parks, but it's fun to return there is really not hot and we have no plans to cloak, so you have to stick ... it's fun, it's a real holiday, no meal to prepare!
Tuesday we decided to spend the day at Epcot, it is very nice and warm. There are several parks to visit as we do not know Hollywood Studios, Downtown Disney and Animal Kingdon, I do not know if we'll have time to visit everything this week. We will in many beautiful pavilions: France, Canada and trying attractions like Test Track (simulation test as GM on its cars, it was rode at breakneck speed) space mission (a simulated trip to Mars) that failed for us, they had to stop the machine and get us out apologetically. We stopped for lunch in the French flag, which has a restaurant that copies the bistros in Paris, Paul loved his salmon but my braised beef bathed in fat. Back to 4PM to deal with dogs who quietly remained in the caravan. We come out to dinner and go into the hotel for dinner Contemporary style cafeteria again using small boats shuttle. The food is not bad, but the dessert is too sweet (even for me) a cup cake with frosting and more syrup on the inside, we could not eat them.
Wednesday, another beautiful sunny day. The night was not funny, my liver, I had a fit, telling me that the beef was really too fat for lunch and Paul also has been advised by his stomach. ... That's what happens when abused the good things. We returned to Epcot because we have not yet managed to visit half of the site. To get there, we use the small boat and monorail, this gives us an aerial view various hotels in the complex. We visit China, Norway and the aquarium, Nemo and Mexico with the Kodak Imagination pavilion. At this time of year, there is a fair wine and food from several countries and we have discovered what they call snacks in the meal program, not just chips, chocolate and soft drinks, we are entitled to ice cream (see photo), kebabs purchased in the small kiosk Argentina, a tart with almonds, fresh fruit salad and cake Danish flag of Norway, I'm just a part of the pie for supper it's more than enough after the horn this afternoon. We noticed that many people only buy small snacks for lunch. We return late afternoon and stay at the caravan at night, no question of returning supper outside.
Thursday it was still sunny and hot, we leave to go to Epcot to finish the attractions we have not had the chance to visit again. We use the bus for the trip, there are those who lead us to all the parks, in addition to the monorail and small boats. Arrived at the terminal, the first bus that comes is going to Disney Hollywood Studios, we decide to change our plan and there go today, we'll go another day at Epcot. This park is like Epcot, there are rides, we try the Rock & Roll Coaster (hold the head well supported), we visit the studios and watch the seamstresses who produce the costumes for the park. Everywhere there are settings that simulate the streets of big cities like New York and San Francisco, it's fun to see how it's done. We ate lunch at Mama Melrose's Ristorante Italiano, Paul mage a steak of tuna with mango salsa and me a good steak, all crowned by a crystal tiramisu for me and a Cheesecake amades for Paul ... the scheme will for next week. After visiting the Indiana Jones stunt show, seen a bit of Narnia movie, listened to the sound effects in a theater (it recalled the radio of my youth), visited the pavilion dedicated to the life of Walt Disney and we have not seen half the things to see here. We return to the trailer and walk the dogs in the dog park, we meet a couple with three scottish terriers, one of them has four years and has a tooth in his mouth, he was allergic to her own teeth, it took them out ... weird. I'll get dinner and wait half an hour to receive my order this is the first time I see something that is not super-effective here.
Saturday, he is always so beautiful, we're lucky. Back to Epcot, it is the weekend and everyone is there, finished almost immediate entry into the attractions, we must now stand quietly in line until 40 minutes, there is the possibility of taking that Fastpass you back at a specified time and before the others, they are available for those who live in hotels and camping. Soarin we visit which is very fun because it feels like to fly above the landscape with a feeling of movement, wind in the face and smell is one of the shows to see. We choose the Japan Pavilion for lunch, eating Japanese-style steakhouse with chef's fun, the food is good, although very hearty, steak and shrimp for me and swordfish steak for Paul, with dessert, of course . To our luck, we visit during the fair greedy, we visit the pavilion dedicated to demonstrations and course leaders in the sale of articles related to this event, I buy a T-shirt fun. We're also the flag of Japan, Paul also bought a T-shirt, one with Japanese characters, a nice (and pretty) Japanese wrote him a note with the characters meaning. We are witnessing a performance of Japanese drumming and we visit a riding tour on energy with the earth since its beginning with dinosaurs etc.. That's all for Epcot, we have almost everything and there is still visited three parks that we have not seen (we keep a little for next year) because it is very likely that we will return.