Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Slogan For A Billiard

12 to 18 December 2010

Sunday, we leave in the rain and cold in the morning, we almost stay here another day because there was a storm with strong winds when we wake, leaving no question in these lousy conditions. Mail to 8am, just improved and we leave anyway, the road is long but adventures phew, the price of diesel climbs to $ 3.40gal just as we leave Florida and we need to supply us because we're almost dry is almost as expensive in Quebec to refuel. We arrived in Louisiana around 5: 30PM is very cold and we stopped at a Wal Mart, just to avoid having to find a campsite at this late hour, we will eat at Subway is located in the Wal Mart and get back in the caravan to go to bed under a pile of blankets because it is around 0 C, I have trouble falling asleep because there are trucks that are arrested and roll their engines, by Paul cons, fell asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow, the lucky ones.
Monday night was cold arch, no electricity, I had trouble getting to sleep because my feet were frozen. Luckily, Dogs are like small bottles that do not cool in the bed, it warms a bit. We leave at 6: 30am for the ritual cappuccino for breakfast is impossible without electricity. We stop in a truck stop to eat a hearty breakfast, we are in Louisiana and offer donuts to the menu, I can not resist and I command expecting to receive three small cakes, the waitress arrives with a big plate full , there must be a dozen and they are unfortunately not the Café du Monde beignets, they are much heavier. We arrive at Goose Island State Park in Texas to 3pm (their time, it must reduce our watches), it is sun, a beautiful clear sky and we set up the caravan parallel to the sea to be able to look out the window when we eat, it's paradise ... We have WiFi and reading my mail, I received a note from my son cousin Louise who tells me that her mother's cancer is spreading, I have two cousins and the only one with whom I had contact since her sister has always lived in Quebec, this news makes me very sad , bad we're so far away.
Tuesday the time has changed here and it's an hour earlier, we settled all watches and clocks from the small dial domestic dogs that wake up promptly at five o'clock now, would love to find the peak for the set too .... in the morning, we admire the sunrise over the bay, is splendid. We decide to enjoy this beautiful spot and stay put, we take a walk and then it's laziness. Paul took the opportunity to work on your tan begins to fade and I decorate a Christmas ball with a net of beads (I have seen examples and I want to try). Solange and Trihn come for the 5-7 and we all eat in a good Chinese buffet (China A) in Rockport for dinner, they are both charming.
Wednesday, last day of travel to get to Llano Grande, we leave at 8: 15am and very windy. The trip is still good despite the wind we have in the nose. We have come to the park and we settled at 3PM for the rest of winter, the neighbors come out to greet us, because we already know they were there last year and we were stationed on the other side of the road almost opposite. Oops, they rebuild the pier (there is a small river irrigation right behind us) and there were floods in the summer past, they must redo everything, trucks plying just behind us and it is dusty. I think he has not had rain here for months the grass is yellow everywhere. We leave all our things rows because we remain here four months, it's nice to stop moving a bit. We will eat at Whataburger (it's like a rite of passage) and return, stopping at small dog park and I pick grapefruit from a tree. ... It feels good to be back.
Thursday, the first full day in the park, it's nice and warm 28C. We're going our separate ways to Registration to our hobbies this year, Paul returned to wood shop and I want to do watercolors. Three of my friends in the park are also in watercolors, it will be fun to work together, Mary-Anne for the past several years, she showed me her paintings and they are superb. We will spend part of the afternoon at the pool. While I do my washing, Paul chats with Quebec, we had known some of them last year and it's nice to see them again. We'll take a look at the dog park to renew acquaintance with the doggies last year, we stop to take in a lime tree and I do prick up by ants, I have not looked and I had a crush their nests, it burns longer. We're glad to be back here, there go for four months.
Friday he is not beautiful, it's cloudy, Paul spent the morning in the wood shop and I start chatting in the caravan. We asked the repairman to come and see caravan if he could find the reason why the truck is not charging the batteries from the trailer. It comes as Paul is gone but still managed to find the sore spot. There are pieces of metal bent in the wrong side the plug that connects the truck to the trailer, the contact does not is probably in between. Upon his return Paul managed to fix the problem without breaking some small strips of metal, that's another problem solved (at least hopefully). In the afternoon we go to Hobby Lobby to buy some supplies for my watercolor classes and pass buy wood for the 18 woodworking projects for Paul. After dinner, we'll take a walk with the dogs and stop to say hello to Esther and Luis we had known last year. She shows me the jewelry she has made is very nice but different what I'm doing it, by cons, makes mouths with sets of ears, although I should be innocence, with me and I do too.
Saturday, it's fine but cool, no question pool today. The wood shop is closed on weekends when Paul was a little disappointed, he will find something else to do, we decide to go to the flea market, there is not much good but Paul is a small aluminum table to install the BBQ outside at all times during our stay here, I buy a bag of popcorn ... I'm getting better, no clothes. We turn to Wal Mart to buy groceries Dinner and return quietly to the caravan. That evening, after walking the dogs, watch a movie of Harry Potter that we had not seen it yet, there are 12 stations on cable movies here. I enjoy creating a ring with my beads using a model that Louise Ma shipped.


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