Monday, December 6, 2010

What Is A Managerial Report

5 to 11 December 2010

Sunday, we'll walk, several people we spoke to Marco Island we decided to go check it out, this island is located just south of Naples and it is proving very developed, the waterfront is filled with condos and hotels, this resort is very unlike Naples makes most city and suburbs. We wanted to visit downtown Naples to return, but as we do, it starts raining, it will be for another day. Finally we will stay here a little longer than expected because we want to go see the center Edison-Ford with Dominic and Pearl and it is held until Thursday. So we'll have the chance to come back around town.
Monday, I want my hair cut, they drag me on the shoulder and I look like a witch, unfortunately the show has left a card on the bulletin board of the park appears to be closed on Monday. We do the shopping around electronics to find the speaker Wuff that Paul wants to buy, if not the price, what are the dimensions because they are almost all great, my boyfriend is a bit frustrated. I play with my bracelets and Paul ends the book by Dominic, he is very impressed by her boyfriend who had a brilliant career. If he had not read, he would not have the details because his friend is not the type to brag. By late afternoon, we'll eat in a small Chinese restaurant and at the exit, I notice a hair salon open, I enter and I'm getting a haircut, the hairdresser was very nice, reasonable price and I return to the caravan happy with my hair, I did not want to wait for Paul in the time of a truck styling, I'll see what it's going to give tomorrow.
Tuesday he is cold, the park covered with small flower gardens sheets to protect them from frost. We will just go on walks with the dogs is a day of cocooning Paul after his last fiddles toys (electronics) and learns to see the full functionality of controllers and devices, it installs on your PC sound system and can play with his flight simulator on the TV, the speakers are calibrated so. From my side, I am storing in my bosses pearls. We go to Pearl and Dominic for a drink and then to Brio restaurant for dinner, it is located in a shopping center very very very high end (Hermes, Cartier, etc..). The food is excellent and the good company of course the two men spend their time teasing and good humor prevails. Pearl had asked me to see my bracelets and necklaces at our last meeting, I made it and bought three necklaces and two bracelets and she advised me to make sets, there is a fourth ring he likes, I'll show how to produce the matching bracelet. Finally we return to the caravan after a very pleasant evening.
Wednesday, small quiet day, Paul washed the truck and I'm a green collar and copper to go with a bracelet, I follow the advice of Pearl and in the future, I will make together. In the afternoon, we watch the movie Twilight, I read the book series and I wanted to see if they had followed the story is good, but the main characters are not as I had imagined, is always a bit disappointing but inevitable. This is the first time that I make a jewel of a line, normally I work more than one piece at a time issue to break the monotony, but this time, I realize that a flat collar of six large pearls takes four hours, I don ' would never have thought to put that much time. We're going to the grocery store just to get out a bit and return quietly home to supper.
Thursday are our projects visit the Edison-Ford Center with water, it rains buckets. We will still make a visit to Pearl and Dominic before leaving (tomorrow). I show in Pearl to make a spiral bracelet and a beaded headband to hold hair, I am enchanted with her skill, clearly it has already done the hook in the past. Meanwhile, Paul and Dominic discuss, certainly very serious things because they are men. Then we'll eat out Cheesecake Factory, I had already seen those restaurants that normally found in shopping malls, we mangeo ns portion lunch, a chance, my pizza oven Seasons "was very good but I could eat only half so it was great. He had to try their cheesecake among the twenty varieties available, so we share two to four pieces ... sin who talked about diet? Paul wonders if there is already one of the restaurants near our park in Texas, we'll see. It must soon say hello to our friends, we had a great time with them and are happy to have enjoyed their company as often.
Friday, we must leave, it's nice and we started at 8: 10am. Everything goes well, we stopped just twice quickly and also to refuel, be careful, there are corners where there is almost no gas stations in North Florida (Panhandle) and they we have to pay 10 cents more per gallon because we use our credit card. We arrived in Ho-Hum, nice campsite on the edge of the Gulf to Carrabelle, it is 5: 30pm, the lady in the park reception is lovely and chats with me the time to install, we had already seen this little campsite at of our previous trips and we had talked for the better. The view is splendid and the prices very reasonable $ 33. per day. Of course Paul wants to stop here because it's the corner where there are fresh oysters. We're going to dinner at a local restaurant called Hogs Pit (classy is not it?) But we eat the fish & chips is good and fresh (not frozen fish).
Saturday, the weather is beautiful although it is somewhat cool. We'll make a trip to Apalachicola, which is about twenty miles from Ho-Hum, we note that there is a way th beautiful campsite near the beach in Carrabelle, it is new with so paved areas. We walk around the town and visit their beautiful boutiques, this must be very popular in summer because the beaches here are beautiful. In return, we stop buying oysters and tuna fish in a store where we had gone in past years. Seller asks if we want half a bag of oysters, they say yes, we may with a large burlap bag (yes, real jute millennia ago that I have not seen it) half full for $ 16. We arrived at the caravan and the feast begins, the oysters are huge and absolutely delicious, we eat more than seven dozen, I put as much as I can in the fridge and some chips for us because I lack of space (c is a sin, I know). The evening is calm I am a necklace and Paul plays cards on his computer.


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