Monday, February 7, 2011

Bushnell Elite Vs Swfa

6 to 12 February 2011

Sunday, summer is finally returned, 25C. We hope that work on the pier are finally completed because the trailer and the truck were covered with sand. Paul decided that it was the perfect day for spring cleaning the exterior of our vehicles as the sun is warm and stay out is nice. I'll walk the dogs and I hung up from Carolyn and Monica. We are planning to go see the farm Aloe is almost here and we need to save, unfortunately the main hall there is more entry form for this event, we will return tomorrow. Upon my return Paul has already finished everything, clean the bugs at the front was easier than expected have been frozen in recent days and we give up. We spend a quiet evening, the evening dedicated to the television because we love all the programs including Sunday night Everybody talks about it.
Monday, the beautiful weather continuous, 25C but it is windy. We are busy, Paul relates a beautiful box he made for Gabrielle, her daughter, and a nice big bowl. I'm going to Quilt Club in the morning and there's a lady who shows how to make hooked rugs (the kind with small magnifying learned through a background of linen or jute), I'll see her technique in the post- noon and I start to make a trivet, she had a little beginner's kit that I bought, I've always been intrigued by rugs or wall hangings made with this technique because my grandmother in Mount with several nice rugs she had made with this method. In the evening we go to the evening of Canadians here in the park is a dinner and dance which is very pleasant, we sat with a group of francophones from Quebec and Ontario. The largest group represented in the evening came from Ontario, there are probably as many Canadian Park yad'américains it.
Tuesday is the feast of Paul and it's nice 21C, but the wind is spectacular, the palms are disheveled and the carpet outside rises despite ties to nail him to the ground. Paul celebrates his birthday by turning the table of the yacht is completed, she is beautiful, we will be proud to install it. I enjoy making a quick necklace and bracelet set with stones strung to wear tonight with a new set that I bought a few weeks ago. We have, cons, a little surprise at the storm of cold and freezing rain for a few days ago, Paul had heard a bang in the windshield but could not see what hit him Is this ice dislodged from a palm leaf as our streets are lined with tall palm trees, or a rock, a piece of metal or a stray bullet from the south? do not laugh, a man was struck by a bullet few years ago but it had been taken from so far away that the wound was superficial. We do not know but now it will replace the windshield not a very nice birthday present for Paul. the evening we'll have dinner with Monic and Yvon restaurant Pappadeaux Seafood is in McAllen, dinner is excellent, the service attentive and pleasant and the price match, we spend a wonderful evening. If you see one of these restaurants (there everywhere) and you like seafood, we highly recommend it. Then we went for a ride at Sam's Club and our friends can take advantage of our menu. I could not finish my meal in a restaurant, I asked for a doggie bag, my shrimp were feeling very good because during our stop at Sam's Club, and Clarisse Kachou have found a way to open the plastic tray and remove the bag with the container, I understand why it is called a doggie bag now.
Wednesday i fa fret yet, 8C, the warm weather and cool in the morning the wind gets up in the morning, Paul returns of frozen wood shop because he goes cycling normally, it takes the truck after noon. There is no question of my way, I am too much in the trailer and it is no hobbies that I lack. When Paul returns, we'll do a little grocery store, it also needs metal bands since he started making wooden bowls and is tired of having to beg for these other bands. We return to the trailer and eat a good meal of pork chops on the BBQ. I finally found some potatoes that can crush, here are sold mostly red potatoes and they saw glue when they are crushed, they are very good fried by cons. In the evening, Paul finished installing a modem on your PC and wifi antenna fast on mine, it now has two fast computers.
Thursday it still freezes 6C, we look forward it to end. Paul will work (it's like working full time, wood shop) and I land in the trailer, I think I'm starting a cold. A chance that my watercolor otherwise I would not go outside. This is the last session on our flowers, a chance, because the more I touch, it's worse ... but for a first try I'm glad I learned many things. The next issue will be a covered bridge in the country, I do not like it at all but the election was democratic, the majority of people from the countryside, barns, cows etc.. are favorite subjects, I'm a little frustrated because there was a nice house with a field of lavender, which I liked very much. After dinner, we go to the play park amateur who is required to raise beans, rice and money for some poor hamlets Mexican architect, a retired American pastor will regularly bring food and these days these blankets because it is not warm either. The show was very, very amateur, it takes courage to sing or play an instrument in front of hundreds of people when you're an amateur.
Friday, the weather warms quietly 12C and the sun shows a little. Paul never tires of its work and makes bowls, he experimented with sizes and colors. I stay in the caravan because I'm starting a cold and I fly constantly, it's ugly. Just a quick exit to the wash (there is more space under the bed for dirty laundry) is more than time. We take a short walk with the dogs, we wonder if the grapefruit in the trees are still seen good frost that we had for two nights. Paul picks up two on a tree along the street, the gentleman who rents the land runs out to advise us that we do not have the right to take because they belong to (the floor is littered grapefruit fallen he did not even pick up the heart). We apologize but basically these grapefruits belong to the park because he rented the land just like us. Normally, people share as a tree gives far too much for two people.
Saturday, it's getting hot 21C is much more enjoyable. My cold is improving a bit, at least I can fly more steadily. So I decided to go to lunch ladies group sewing / quilting. I go there too early because the time displayed on the calendar of events was wrong, I go back an hour later with my banana cake and we spend a good time, the women are paying the price of lunch or salad or dessert, salads are varied and I am surprised by the quality of recipes, lots of fruits, nuts, vegetables different, not what is expected in the U.S., I remember some of the recipes to make at home. I fall on the elbow by starting again with my bike, I now know where all the joints between the elbow and skull, the shock has spread into my head, nothing broken, I have a very strong bend. A caravan on the other side of the street is for sale, we wondered if There was a problem or if the owners had purchased a home park because they sell well this year. The sad reality is, unfortunately, the gentleman, a Canadian returned home for surgery, they discovered he has cancer and has only months to live. They are like us, nomads, so no home in Canada, their son can not accommodate them by his death, they are staying with friends because they are penniless, having declared bankruptcy recently, he had his rent-free here because he worked for the park. Situations like this make us appreciate our good fortune to be more comfortable.


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