Monday, February 21, 2011

Fiat 411r Tractor Parts

20 to 26 February 2011

Sunday, the heat continues, but it's pretty cloudy and windy dehorning cattle. We go shopping because my pantry is down. I am doing my duty is to watercolor paint a spider web with colored lights, Paul is taking steps to make a partition in a closet because I asked him to make a wooden storage thin for good glasses. In the afternoon, he'll get a tan at the pool and at night we watch TV is one of those small days quiet.
Monday, nice warm day, the sky is blue, no clouds. The morning is quiet, Paul goes to the wood shop in the morning, he works on a small stand that his son Jonathan asked. After lunch, I'll see the ladies of the quilting, Sue told me that my little flat in the loop is ok, I met a lady who has one too, hers is equal arch, all lenses are exactly the same length It is much more meticulous than me, for sure. Monic we meet at the pool and Yvon of the East (there are four in the park) and spend a few hours Chatting in water. We return for dinner and Monic comes after a ride, she brings us the pop trash that they purchased for us at Camping World, we adjust the straps of a pretty apron that she found at Ropa. It was so nice today, it was nice to settle in the sun just to read, I read a book now that I found on Amazon for my free ebook Kindle, I now see why this first book of series was free, it is very good and it makes you want to buy another, it's a great marketing strategy to publicize an author.
Tuesday he's hot, 25C, less wind but it's cloudy. It's the little routine, wood, beads, dancing. Frost damage are evident throughout the park, the different varieties of cactus responded in their own way, some are just dead, others have lost their leaves, but others have survived, one near it at Caroline decorated for Christmas and Valentine's Day is unfortunately in very bad shape but I think he'll still survive. The bougainvillea ground opposite seems downright death, he was very nice but shows no sign of recovery of life, everything is brown and dry, it will probably pull it out, what a pity. Caroline is a ride, she wants to buy pearls by combining the order with mine, it will be the last this year, she made hundreds of beaded headbands that his daughter will sell at craft fairs, I did not showing him how to build it would do the same. Quiet evening, I read a book on my Kindle and Paul playing with the computer, we'll sleep on the sofa bed tonight to try the new memory foam mattress covers, hopefully they will feel less spring.
Wednesday warm but cloudy, it is a good temperature for our projects today. In the morning we'll visit a farm aloe which is close to the campsite, it belongs to an old couple who are over eighty years and is very active in the management of the company. The tour began with a tour of the different cultures of the farm, aloe and lawyers have suffered from the very last frost, a lot of trees and plants are replaced, it will take several more weeks before to see the extent of damage during the previous gels, because there almost every ten years, he had to cut many lawyers and replace a quarter of aloe. The farm is struggling and you wonder if it will survive even though long, she now has five employees and she was thirty years ago. It takes us sitting on benches in a trailer pulled by a tractor, the commentator is funny, at one point, he threads a piece of aloe gel and crushes the center mass between his hands and his hair with it says it's the original gel used by Mexicans. Unlike his brothers, he does not have white hair, he wondered if the daily application of gel has helped keep her hair brown. Afterwards we go to the store where the owner of 84 years explains the items it sells in stores and benefits of various aloe products. It's amazing what a punch Does she retained all her faculties, her husband is probably a little older is still painting with colored sand in bottles, they are really funny, and roles to make us laugh. The tour ends with a lunch in their restaurant is good home cooking corner. At dinner time, we'll see a play here at the park with a meal, our neighbor Moore plays a leading role in this is a very pleasant evening.
Thursday, it is very beautiful and very hot 32C, we must start air conditioners, Quebec is not the only place where there are large temperature differences in a few days. In the morning I want to do the washing, the machines are all busy, so I have to go back to the caravan and wait, this is not a good idea to try after 8am, I return to the lunch hour, it does is not a cat. Caroline is a ride, she bought wool and wants to knit a Prayer Shawl "is a tradition here, knitting reciting prayers and we give the shawl to someone by dedicating prayers. She received a someone when his mother died and has appreciated the gesture. I go to my watercolor classes in the afternoon and my covered bridge is progressing well although I do not like the subject. Friends Monica and Yvon, Roger and Yolanda come for a ride, he is impressed by the wood shop and she just take a walk during my course. These are people who love the hobby like this and they like our park, but I think they prefer a park where there are more Francophones. We're all going to dinner at Cortino's is my favorite restaurant in the corner, as usual the food is very good and prices reasonable.
Friday still very hot and sunny 30C, Paul completes the wooden storage for glasses, but on arrival, missing 1 / 8 inch in some sections, this is it, he made his prayers and wants to fuck the trash. Fortunately, it will be perfect for some other lenses, do not despair. I stay at home and am content to take walks, do watercolor, reading and pearls. Work on the pier have flared up, everything is covered with a thick sand dust is worse because with the heat, the windows are open. This is typical, the work should be completed by late January there was a stoppage but they have found some problems and correct them now. We spend a little quiet day, Paul shortens the wire for the cable that was too long and cumbersome. Another great day of vacation.
Saturday, sunny and warm 30C, still very windy. We'll go shopping in McAllen, Paul stopped going to buy wood for his work, he likes the mahogany. We go to Sam's Club to buy a GPS, we opt for the lower range that meets our needs for now, they also have a fine selection of meats and we take a small reserve for the freezer. We also stopped at Michael's that specializes in all kinds of hobbies and I buy frames for my watercolors, it makes a difference when they are framed. We return for 13h00 because Paul wants to call her daughter Roxanne, who lives in New Zealand, she goes and speaks of the damage caused by the earthquake on the southern island (she lives in Auckland is on the North Island) The two are happy to be able to talk quietly because the kids watch a movie. I agree with Louise chance on Skype, it also makes jewelry in Montreal, I'm glad to have made him aware of the beads as it has a fine talent, it is much more versatile than me and did all kinds of jewelry including metal, I could admire its beautiful works on Facebook. We'll take a walk in the evening and spend time talking with Monica and Yvon. The rest of the day is quiet, Paul updates the GPS with the changes to the software that will search the web site of Garmin.


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