Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Have Bumps On My Balls

A "banal" January off "The Barn"

Go in front for the first blog of 2011.

Overall, in January 2011 was, like most of the months of January, a quiet month, almost a month "dormancy".

Earlier this month, of course there was the "pancakes" (with frangipane, candied fruit, chocolate ...) here in Montpellier with the neighbors or friends

St John.

The great thing is the "rehabilitation "Granges, and the month of January was ultimately extremely important in this" long march ".
In fact, we passed a vision of "ruins" in the early months of the onset of volumes (laying of the roof) and viewing rooms at the end of the month.

Obviously, we must also have a good imagination to see in this space with a mezzanine floor beams will be held on the pole, with a beautiful kitchen located under the mezzanine.

And look how it moves from a whole structure " gap "in a wing of house with verandah. Just ask 2 posts and 7 times after turning his tongue in his mouth to ask a few "long pieces of wood, then cover plates and finally some tiles to turn that into" mas provencal "for Bobos.

In fact, Filou quickly and recovered well from his surgery (the poor has been neutered, Blaise because he wanted his dog not start to run off the sled). Ultimately, it is remember is the collar that the vet asked him so that he does not lick his wound (for 5 days, Filou turned into "grotesque dog" who kept bumping everywhere because it does has never accepted that the width of the "funnel" is greater than his snout).

To return to the barns, it works everywhere. While some people " gild the pill "on the roof, others build the loft (shows the top door that will achieve, on the other hand, the attic room with his" home movies "), and others, plastered walls (hard work, noise, water, ....).

In fact, our guests 'holiday in a homely' for the Barn this summer walk strong: the month of August is filled.

Finally, do not forget that January is a winter month, we had at the end of the month a good snowfall, which changes a bit walk the path of trickster.


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