Monday, January 31, 2011

Cogat Practice Test Online Free

30 to February 5, 2011 janviet

Sunday, lovely warm day and sunny 28C. In the morning we go to the Cathedral of San Juan to attend their Mass sung by mariachis. It is a beautiful ceremony, the priest punch, he speaks English and English, although it is black and he's funny. We are with Monica and Yvon and will eat at a Chinese Buffet Lin's is very good. Of course, we eat too much and we have not hungry for dinner. We'll spend some time at the pool is filled with people who are bored with the heat and sun. Tom and Carolyn invite us dinner at home, Paul is not in shape (he probably ate too much) and stay here, his favorite show (everyone talks about) again tonight. I will sup with them, there is Lynn and Gerry who are also, we spend a lovely evening, Carolyn has cooked a flank steak marinated in BBQ and served as a Fajita with salsa, cheese and guacamole, c is very good and the people around the table are all sympathetic.
Monday, it's very hot and sunny 30C. In the morning I go to the Quilt Club with Monica, she wants the pictures of bags they did take the quilt show. This event was a great success, they manage to raise funds to make purchases as specialized sewing machines for sewing quilts. Subsequently, I return to the caravan to come to put my boots dance, a time line dancing, I go back for lunch and then I managed to convince Paul, we'll take a short course in social dancing, lady teaches the basics of the waltz slow (the western) and two step. With the basic steps of these two dances one can very well cope with the dances of the park. We return to the caravan, pick up the dog and go shopping, our sound system was received at Best Buy and we have other errands to complete (I'm looking for stuff to attach strands of beads with glasses), a lady asked me to make beaded eyeglass ties. The craft show is coming Saturday, I only have a few days to prepare . We're back at home, a nice little dinner, Paul re-install the sound system and everything works well, we try listening to Avatar.
Tuesday, it's already February and as expected, although it shine, it's a little cooler 23C. I go to Style show with Monic, pleasant coincidence, we sat at the same table as our neighbor Barbara. The fashion show is done well, these are ladies of the park wearing clothes lent by three shops in the area. There are some very beautiful clothes, naturally a lot of sequins and rhinestones, bling is very popular in Texas. The caterer served the sandwich and it was disguised as a delicious cake, there was a cranberry sauce in the sandwich floor of chopped ham and chicken salad, the arrangement of flavors was very pleasant. The dessert was even served fruit dish because of filling in the cake, great idea! Back at home we go shopping, Paul needs wood (it looks like he eats) and we'll get some groceries. We go out again tonight for a pizza at Pizza Hut, it's nice not to cook from time to time.
Wednesday, it's winter, it is selling and 2C. We come out our winter coats that are not hidden far away, a chance. I'm washing to 8am is a good time to have space, I met a very nice gentleman from New Brunswick to which Paul did go around the wood shop, it will be another of the followers of this hobby. This is not funny to move by bike when it's cold and windy but I'm still going to line dancing. In the afternoon he goes directly to the hardware store to buy paint etc.. to continue his plans, I stay at home because I must finish a list of 75 items that go on sale Saturday, I have some butterflies because it's the first time I do this kind of thing, I a table in the craft show on Saturday and I do not know what to expect, I'm sure I'll learn a lot, I have no idea how to sell bracelets, necklaces and earrings, there are several tables reserved for jewelry and I would be in the price. This experience should be interesting.
Thursday, the winter came we sicken,-2C, the steps of the trailer are covered with ice, the dogs are not used to have skidded and ended up too quickly down, but not leg broken (no longer wants Kachou down the stairs). We continue our activities anyway (no pool) winter coats came out and very useful. Paul gave me a lift to my watercolor classes, this advance slowly but I need lots of practice and after a while, you can not criticize our parts, I want to repeat the whole (the majority of students have already done), I'll probably next week, just for practice. We return quietly home to dinner, there are activities to the lobby but we do not want to go out, it's so nice inside and watch a movie.
Friday, winter continues 2C.) Wake up, the water is frozen in the supply pipe outside and we must use the tanks, a chance that we have a good heater, the caravan is rapidly comfortable (we reduce the heat to a minimum during the night), headache and nausea little (no, I'm not pregnant). I'm not fit, do not want breakfast, I hope that this flu is not a bad flu that short a few people I know have been on the back several days. Paul has to scrape the windshield of the car, our neighbor gave him the scraper. Everyone is at Woodshop because it is warmer here than golf or shuffleboard, returning at night, water is still not back then Paul borrows my dryer to realize that the filter was frozen, s 'was broken and flowed in profusion, once removed, the water finally came back in the caravan. Unheard of in Texas, said that cold rooms, but we were there to see it. In the evening we look at the end of Avatar, and another Cirque du Soleil.
Saturday, he finally made nice, 18C, the sun came out and people are delighted. I get up a little late, we must believe that the Craft Show does not irritate me. I go to the room which is our main hall at the park and Claudette, who already shares the table with me is installed. Almost half of the exhibitors sell jewelry including jewelry making Claudette strung that are very pretty but very different style from mine (a chance). The experience is pleasant and interesting, which is the more remarkable is that people who stop are largely speaking, a man buys a set for his wife and, in addition, she has a heart for helping a bracelet. This will be my only sale of the morning but I'm glad because I was afraid not to sell anything, Claudette also sells two necklaces. People are near their sub, those quality items, jewelry or other almost does not sell, items below $ 5 go better. I'm happy, my sales will pay for the rental of the table and some supplies I bought this year. In the afternoon we go shopping, Paul has finally found a boxed wine he likes, Malbec is a black box that we found at Sam's Club. I ask to visit Stein Mart (my favorite store in the corner) and I found two sweaters reason that I like, it will be something new to wear next summer, Paul is a small lamp he wants to in the room. We return to the caravan to enjoy a salmon barbecue.


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