Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Will Pinguecula Go Away

2011 does not have me!

Hi Cupcake!

To tell you everything, I'll tell you what is not funny at all!
So you if you're seated, standing Cupcake, if you read it on your smartphone on the bus, down to the next stop for you not to cry in front of everyone! If you're at work, you hide behind your screen, and pretends to have something in the eye ... In short, prepare yourself physically! Cupcake

Then, prepare yourself psychologically, said that you do not worry, it's way, that you love me anyway, and it changes nothing between us!

Good ... I'm starting ... I make my coming out!

To set the mood, ... watch this video! (This is just for the fun discussion group)

"Hello, my name is Elise
" And here I am ... discovered every month ... So today, I took several decisions (if not resolutions, terms irritates me!). The first is to make no more unnecessary spending up end of January! For I hear superfluous clothes, makeup, small crescent to taste, ... now that I would not buy food and hygiene product of body and the apartment as well as public transport!
Since I am already short ... The second is to be noted in a small notebook (my brother's advice and duty to my father) all expenses that I did! All without exception! Whether it's check, credit card or cash withdrawal! My father told me that would like her I know exactly how I spend too much, and if my budget was not going to help my little notebook, you could recalculate it to give me more! (That's partly why I did it! I confess!)

Note to myself: think about buying a notebook as .... this one example

A pea per euro spent!

That, therefore, a priori, if I stick to my resolutions, it should not be like this "new purchases" or magazines "new products" ... before February!

I hope that for you Cupcake, the shock is not too harsh, because for me it is! Very

ominously, I told you soon and thank you Cupcake pass through here regularly!


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