Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Much Do A Viser Cost

Hi sweetie!

Hi Cupcake!

Ca there is me Cupcake, you located a little?
Bon ben ducoup launch a blog, because between us ... Surely you had preview, I have not much time to make videos ... And here at my internship I may be able to do more things in writing!
(actually I am not clear jiggle speaking of makeup in front of my tutor and my colleague amazed ... I already see the scene!)

So I go on this blog, tell you my little life Intern com ' (yeah, the sse-cla ^ ^), and then share with you the things that make me laugh or annoys me behind my screen!

Good, do not fool around either, this is not the policy and institutional censure of our poetic incroyaaaaable government. Ben
waiting, this blog is not called "My pen will teach you" but Hi Cupcake! (pronounced with an American accent to Cliiique Moviiiie)! So do not expect the Baudelaire or other lads who simply gave a soul to the French language!

However, I still have my mind all the time and especially so not looking, I still have things to say!

Now my little cupcake, if you do not like my pen and my mug that you prefer, do not hesitate to contact me on my Youtube channel!

http://www.youtube.com/user/Ullbesurprise \u0026lt;= You will make a nice cupcake copy paste the link, because I can not put a hyperlink!

Oh ... BTW (by the way, really ... more class than the eternal "PS" has been "completely!): Please do not take into account the multiple misspellings and tonnage of bullshit that I risk expand on your screen!

soon my Cupcake!


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