Monday, January 24, 2011

What Wood For Bath Trim

23 to 29 January 2011

Sunday, it's nice and warm, we go to Mexico with Monic and Yvon. Leaving around 10: 30am, we arrived in time for dinner at Red Snapper, the food is good I take a shrimp Pancho (nachos covered with baked beans and a generous portion of cheese, all crowned with shrimp), as usual, I can not finish my dish, it's a shame because it's very good. The men ate fish and chips and Monic shrimp with garlic, n e are satisfied with the meal. I take good price to buy an antibiotic ointment, I find pretty little bowls decorated by hand for salsa. Paul and I are going to get a haircut, cutting Paul costs $ 4 + $ 2 tip and my $ 5. I give him $ 3 tip because she worked very hard with my unruly hair, my cup is good, it feels good to be short. I discovered that my hair is much more white around the face and back of the head. Paul buys a piece of Iron wood for his carpentry, he does not know yet what he will do with it, because this wood is very heavy. We return home for dinner and spend a quiet evening.
Monday, it's nice but a little cloudy in the morning. Paul returns to work on the saloon table of the yacht, he says it is going well, I can not wait to see her. He continues to put the varnish on a box so the teas that I have requested and also on a towel rectangular table (I have one square that will go on the boat). I stay in the trailer because I have no planned activities today (I always forget what I want Paul to take a course of two step Monday at 1PM), it will be for next week, by then, I must mentally prepared because it will take away a few hours in wood shop is a lot to ask. My new haircut is great, it's so easy, especially with the wind in Texas. I ride a blog to put pictures of my jewelry, I've put pictures of completed jewelry, if you go to, you'll see why I can sell some each. Paul returns with a scratch on his finger, he was a victim of the router, a chance is not too serious, he may continue his visits to his favorite haunt.
Tuesday, sunny day but cool. Paul spends the noon to work on the table of sailing and I'm going to line dancing. This form of exercise is so popular that the hall was packed, despite the fact that the teacher has divided its course in two, there are now two introductory courses all over sixty people. At lunch Paul relates the box of herbal teas and towel table he made, they are both very pretty. After lunch, Paul goes shopping for his carpentry, piano hinges for the table, etc. marine varnish. it also sends the DVD of the film he has mounted on the feast of his son. I stay in the caravan because Dianas were possibly happen. We invite the neighbors, Keith and Barbara to take a 5-7 come home, I went out to play outside with Kachou and they sat behind their caravan in the sun, they have installed a small patio as the only sunny spot late in the day. They are charming but very reserved, British origin, they have spent their adult lives in Quebec because he worked for Air Canada as an engineer Chief, they now live in Ottawa and spend their winters here. The evening is quiet little supper of spaghetti with garlic and we watch TV.
Wednesday it was still sunny but cool (I'll watch the temperature at noon at the caravan in order to list in the blog). Paul continues to play with wood and I'm going to dance online in the morning, the regular teacher is not there because she is suffering from a flu that has struck many people here this winter, it lasts more one week. In the afternoon, I will make greeting cards with watercolor group, we take stamps and draw a basic pattern on a square of watercolor paper, it colors it and then place the drawing on colored paper and glued the two papers on a blank card is fun and often very beautiful (there are some who have a lot of talent), is the first time I use stamps (I was wondering what people could do well with the ones I saw in stores or hobby, now I know) these cards will be sold at Craft Show and raise money for the upkeep of the building where I take my watercolor. We go to the Red Snapper restaurant in Weslaco for dinner, the food is not as good as that in Mexico we do probably not return.
Thursday, he did a little cloudy and 17C. This is my favorite day because I spend in studio art to practice watercolor course of the afternoon is great fun and I learn a lot, Ramona shows several specific techniques in watercolor. That evening, after dinner, we go to a good jazz concert given by Ann, my dance teacher online, this lady taught music at university. It is interesting to see how people park involved in planned activities, there is a good audience at the concert (Piano, sax and bass) there was also a singer we spend a nice evening and buy a CD. We went with Monica and Yvon and have closed the evening with a Stinger in their motorhome.
Friday, the weather is nice today, 23C and a little cloudy. Life in the park is underway and there are passing through difficult times, our third neighbor lost his job and can not pay his rent here, there came a short time and left suddenly (we heard what going thereafter). He tried to sell his house which was very old but she could not stay here because in this park, if the houses are very old people can live there but can not sell them. Towards 9am, two trucks arrived and any discussion, board by board and have everything stored in trailers and to 4pm, the mobile home had been moved and completely demolished the annex. So there will be another space to rent next year. Paul brings a nice big bowl of wood shop, he used to put our fruits. In the evening we take a walk with the dogs and stop at Carolyn and Tom, it is warm enough to sit in their chairs to remain first chat.
Saturday, he is 21 and is mild but very windy. We go shopping (the wood shop is closed ....) and we have invited Yvonne and Monica for dinner. It will be a cheese fondue is always fun and so easy to prepare. They arrived around 5PM and we eat quietly chat. Around 7 pm we go to the great hall of the park for the Saturday night dance. The evening was pleasant and we burn a few calories dancing, another great day of vacancy.


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