Monday, January 10, 2011

Gpsphone Working Cheats

9 to 15 January 2011

Sunday, another day of rest, it is very nice and quite warm, 25C. We decide to go for a visit to Mexico, we go a little after lunch and are disappointed by the lack of Tourists found there. On the main street, visitors should look, it's sad, all these people who are there to sell and no buyers, we believe that there would be more people saw it Sunday. We find what we want, I need treatment against fleas and heart worms in dogs, it (the same brand that I buy in Quebec) is half the price. I found an apron-style cover-all for $ 5 is helpful when I cook and easy to put Paul buys a T-shirt. We watch the prices of bottles of rum, we will return to buy later. It is clear that advertising on the problems of drug war has made its way and people are afraid to cross the lines. Returning to the caravan for supper.
Monday, it's nice but you should take advantage because it is the last day a cold front is expected tomorrow. Early in the morning, I'll buy tickets for the Canadian Social and Dance to be held in early February, there are still a few places but I'm told that people were already in line to buy tickets at 6am .... Claudette, who was there last year I said that's fine: barbecue, beer at will and very enjoyable evening. We dare not move away too I'm waiting for the mail and Marielle and Gilles arrive today. They arrive early afternoon and it is a great pleasure to see them, they changed their motorized since last year and it is superb, although I liked the previous one is much better, newer, more counter space, a fridge with two doors etc.. They come to us for a drink and we'll sup at Arturo's, the evening is very pleasant and we are happy because they will spend a few days with us.
Tuesday he is very cold and windy, it's a shame as Gilles and Marielle have not had much time since their hot start and to date he has still quite hot here. The morning is quiet, I still expect a package in the mail, I dare not go too far. After lunch, Marielle and I are going to the Outlet mall near the site to shop a little, I had not gone since arriving here (surprising is not it?). Men work to install software on the PC Gilles. We have dinner here and spend the evening Chatting quietly because we have almost a year of catching up to do.
Wednesday I'm going to dance online in the morning, Glenda handed me the book on watercolor as promised, I give it a little twisted blue bracelet in exchange (I was uncomfortable to accept the book without giving anything in return), she looked happy bracelet). I come back, we'll have dinner and meet Gilles and Marielle to spend the afternoon with them. We decided to do some shopping, we subscribe to Sams Club as last year, they arrive in the U.S. and want to shop here, the prices are so low. We stop at Whataburger is one of the favorite restaurants of Gilles and return quietly at home, I began working about the bracelet Marielle wants to give his niece is a new model for me and I pulled a little.
Thursday, the cold spell continues, he is very wet 6C at night, what a difference from last week. In the morning I work on the bracelet for the niece of Marielle and she washes, Paul does not go wood shop, he is disappointed because the store where he buys his wood has more walnut, he wants to use this wood for repeat the inner table of the yacht. In the afternoon, I go to my watercolor classes, we draw our design on our paper and it shows basic techniques for watercolors. Meanwhile, Paul goes to Mexico with Gilles and Marielle, this is what she seeks drugs for chips for Lulu, backpack leather etc.. Paul is very sad atmosphere, there is almost no one, shops are closed. We go to our friends for 5-7 and are invited for dinner, Marielle kitchen very well, she did a great fish, we spent a wonderful evening with them, Gilles makes us laugh, it was easy and repartee misses an opportunity to make a joke.
Friday, it's still cloudy and cool, it's ugly. Gille and Marielle leave, we enjoyed their short visit, they are very pleasant company. The day is calm and we wish them bon voyage on their departure in the morning. Paul goes to the wood shop and I make bracelets, just the two Dianes make their bracelet here much of the day I finished, it will take while I start making necklaces because the date of approach to Craft Show strides. Paul redid the base of the clock in the kitchen, the new dial is clear and it's better to see the time. In the evening, bored to stay in the house because he does not even good enough to take a walk, I suggest going to eat at Cortino's , A small Italian restaurant that we love. The food is always good, we feast, I eat their food Italian and I brought a doggie bag that will make me two delicious meals that I do not have to cook (yes, I'm lazy).
Saturday, it's still raining and there are no more events to our taste in the park is a short day flat. Paul, who had worked to assemble a movie with his new Pinnacle has lost everything, the file on which he worked has disappeared, he is frustrated and spent the day at work again (it makes backups by changing the file name this time it). I make a necklace that lies take more than a full day to assemble it, I'll keep it for me. We'll do a little grocery primarily out of the caravan and come back to watch a movie, it is beginning to be sickened by some rain.


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